Chapter 27

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A/N: This one's really short so I apologize. Don't worry, the remaining three chapters will be longer.

Min Yoongi

The remaining three days of our rest period is up and we're back to performing.

I feel guilty for being such a burden to Jihoon hyung and living in his home that I managed to convince him that I'm fine going back to my dorm.

With Sejin hyung's help, I was able to bring back my things from my studio and back to my room.

The first thing that I noticed when I was back in the dorm was the different scent in my room and Jungkook probably noticed that I found the new scent because he answered me.

"I'm sorry hyung," He apologizes softly. "I missed you so much that I would sometimes sleep in your room."

Curse me and my soft spot for the maknae.

I gave him a small hum of acknowledgement, "It's okay."

"Y-you're not bothered?" He asked me.

I shook my head and placed my things back to where they were before.

"It's no big deal."

The first few days back in the dorm was very awkward and there's this tense aura between me and the other members.

They're probably too scared to make a move to me and so I let them be.

As usual, I would cook my own food and eat it in my room to avoid them, I would only go out of my room when I know they're not outside anymore or if it's important.

It's nothing new really but the only difference is that my members aren't ignoring me anymore and are trying to care for me again.

Jin hyung knows I wouldn't eat with them so he starts leaving food for me on the table.

Namjoon and Hobi are talking about some tracks and songs again.

The maknae line tries to spend time with me but are careful with touching me as they are scared that I might yell at them.

This went on for another week and while performing or on stage, I can't just ignore them so I have to make small gestures to not worry the fans.

Even so, ARMY noticed the strangeness of our relationship and are talking through the comments about how strange it is and how we're all acting weird and awkward when we're together.

Did they have a fight?

The members keep staring at Suga

Is there something wrong between them?

None of the members are hugging or talking to Suga anymore😔

I hope Suga is okay

I smiled, knowing that the fans still care for me as much as they did before.

It's been half a month and I still haven't forgiven the boys, not that I want to forgive them anyway.

They don't know the pain I had to go through when they were the ones ignoring my plump ass. They should at least suffer a couple more months before I can even think about accepting their apologies.

I walked out of the room to check if they finished eating so I could take food and bring it to my room.

My eyes widened when I saw them still in the kitchen.

They sighed and began to walk past me and even gave me small smiles, leaving me in the kitchen.

Taehyung placed a hand on my shoulder but hesitated before ending up on giving me a reassuring smile.

"We'll give you all the time you need, hyung."

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