Chapter 15

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Almost a week later...

Min Yoongi

"Do I really have to?" I grumbled in annoyance as I brought to a room with a bunch of the stylist noonas.

Sejin hyung sighs, "Yes, it's a party, Yoongi."

"Who said I even wanted to go?!"

Hyung ignores my complains and finally leaves the room and now I am left with the noonas to do my makeup and dress me up for the party tonight.

"Lighten up, Yoongi-ssi," One of them Pat's me on the back.

I huffed and finally sat down on the chair facing the huge mirror on the wall.

"Why do I have to do this?" I ask them.

"Because there will be a lot of people," Another answers.

I roll my eyes, "It's not like there will be paparazzi joining the party, so why do I have to go all out with the outfit and makeup?"

"You have a point," Another one replies. "But it'll be a waste of your omega side if you don't flaunt your body once in a while right?"

I pouted and crossed my arms as they started doing my hair.

"Plus, it'll only be this one time and you won't have to leave the building anyway."

A few days after Jungkook helped me finish my track, our CEO announced that there will be a party in the building to celebrate another successful year in the company.

Obviously, being part of Bangtan, I have to go to the party with my group and for some reason, they just have to take me to another dressing room away from my group saying that I have a different outfit or something.

If only I could skip the celebration, I would gladly be staying at home and on the comfort of my bed.

But I can't.

"Cheer up, Yoongi-ssi, if you take a couple drinks here and there, you won't even notice that you're home already!"

"Gee, thanks for the advice," I mumbled.

For precautions, only the company knows about my true sub gender.

I was a bit hesitant at first, thinking that the staff and other workers in the company might make fun of me or something but it turns out that they are really supportive.

The knowledge of my true sub gender for them would be a good back up plan if something happens to me in public or in the building that's caused by my sub gender, they will be able to help me.

"All done!"

I looked up from my phone and stared at myself as soon as I was deemed ready to go to the party.

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