Chapter 9

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3rd person

Just like the omega said, Namjoon stayed inside the warm and soft comfort of Yoongi's insides.

The two fell asleep because of the intense physical activity they had earlier to help the omega with his heat.

"Hyung," Namjoon's raspy morning voice whispers to the omega on top of him. "You need to eat, come on, you can go back to sleep later."

Yoongi whines and shakes his head, "I don't wanna stand up!"

The alpha sighs and brushes Yoongi's hair with his hands.

"Please?" Namjoon kisses his hyung's cheek, making the omega blush. "We both haven't had breakfast yet and I bet the others are worried for you too."

"I don't wanna go~"

"Hyung, Jihoon is outside as well," Namjoon says which made the omega sit up abruptly.

"Y-you guys met Jihoon hyung?" Yoongi asks in disbelief. "How?! What did he tell you?! Oh god did he say anything about the pills?!"

Seeing as the omega is starting to hyperventilate, Namjoon sits up on the bed and brings Yoongi close to him into a hug.

The small action making his dick move inside of Yoongi which made the omega let out a small moan.

"Hey, hey, it's okay," He tries to calm him down. "We can talk about this later, but as your alpha, I need to take care of my omega in heat.

He cups Yoongi's cheek, "Is that okay?"

Fortunately, because Yoongi's energy is completely drained out, his body is starting to erupt in hunger which he nods to Namjoon in response.

"Thank you," Namjoon pecks the omega by the lips. "Let's get you off of me first, okay? So we can walk together to the kitchen."

Just as the alpha is about to lift Yoongi off, the omega scrambles back to his lap and pushes his ass down to his dick making Namjoon moan out loud.

"Yah! You're going to make me hard again!" Namjoon hissed but Yoongi didn't care.

"I don't want to walk" Yoongi mumbles at the crook of Namjoon's neck. "I already told you to not take it out right?"

Hearing Yoongi's complaints, Namjoon finally realizes what's happening with the omega.

He smirks, "Oh hyung, I can't believe you're such a cockslut. Always wanting to be filled, always wanting to have a cock up in your ass. You could have just told me."

Yoongi's arms around Namjoon tightens out of embarrassment as he mumbles a bunch of curses that made the alpha laugh.

"Just shut up and feed me."

"Such a demanding omega too."

Knowing that he will need to feed the omega but also follow his demands, Namjoon smirks as he finally has a plan.

"Alright, then I'll have to carry you to the kitchen with my dick still inside you," The alpha stated which made Yoongi's eyes widen.


Namjoon raises a brow at Yoongi's reaction, "You said you want to eat right? But you also want to stay on my dick so by carrying you with me, I can do both."

Yoongi's cheeks begin to turn red again, "B-but everyone's gonna see!!"

"So what?" The alpha scoffs. "The others can just stare, it's okay."


The alpha ignores the omega's whines and grabs a bunch of their clothes until they end up with Namjoon wearing only his shorts since he gave his shirt to Yoongi.

Namjoon stands up with Yoongi clinging to the alpha and the oversized shirt covering his dick still buried in his ass.

Knowing that the omega's small and exhausted body would not be able to do anything, Namjoon walks out of the room with his head held up high as Yoongi buries his face at the crook of the alpha's neck to hide his embarrassment.

"Get ready hyung, we have an audience," Namjoon whispers to his ear which makes him wrap his arms and legs around the alpha tighter.

The two finally arrive at the living room where the rest of their members are waiting patiently for them but Jihoon is missing.

"Yoongi!!" Jin yells as soon as he sees the two walking in.

Everyone's attention turns to the alpha and omega with wide eyes full of concern and jealousy because of the unusual sight in front of them.

"Is he okay now?" Hoseok asks.

Namjoon nods, "Yeah, hyung is okay now but just a little hungry."

The members sighed in relief knowing that their omega member's heat has gone down but they are still cautious as to what might happen next.

"Where's Jihoon?" The alpha asks as he lifts Yoongi's body a bit since he's slowly sliding down which earned a loud moan from the omega.

Bangtan's eyes widened at the heavenly sound that just came out of Yoongi's mouth.

"What the fuck was that?!" Jungkook exclaims.

Before Namjoon could even answer him, Yoongi slaps him on the head, "Yah! What the hell Namjoon?! May I remind you, your dick is still inside me."

Yoongi's outburst shocked their members even more.

"Aw, sorry hyung," Namjoon teases and he smirks at their members as an idea comes to his mind.

"Namjoon, what the hell?!" Jin exclaims with his eyes still wide open.

The alpha laughs as he takes the end of the oversized shirt on Yoongi and lifts it up a bit to show everyone his dick buried inside of their omega member.

"YAH!! I SAID DON'T DO THAT!!" Yoongi yells at Namjoon and tries to push the alpha's hand with the shirt down to cover himself.

"KIM NAMJOON YOU LUCKY MOTHERFUCKER!!" The members yell at him.

They all finally stood up from their seats and were about to walk over to the two when Namjoon immediately turned around to keep their hands from the omega in his arms.

"Hyung! I want to hold Yoongi hyung next!!" Taehying says with excitement.

Jimin pushes Taehyung away, "No! I want to hold him!!"

The maknae line begins to fight over who gets to have Yoongi next and Hoseok tries to end the fight while Jin walks over to Yoongi.

He wipes the small beads of sweat on the omega's forehead which makes Yoongi look up from the crook of Namjoon's neck.

The members went silent as they looked at Yoongi's face in awe.

"How are you, Yoon? Did Namjoon hurt you?" Jin cups his cheek.

Yoongi shakes his head.

"Was Namjoon too rough for you hyung?" Hoseok asks. "I can help you with your next heat if you'd like."

At his statement, another argument from all of the members began and Yoongi couldn't help but giggle at the nice feeling his member's affection and attention is giving him.

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