Chapter 30

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A/N: Last chapter, I hope y'all are satisfied with the ending.

3rd person

The relationship between Yoongi and his members did not change as more weeks passed by and the six members are starting to think there is no hope for Yoongi to ever forgive them.

If this were true, they had all talked about it and agreed to respect Yoongi's wishes.

It will be hard and painful to live with the guilt and regret as Yoongi keeps avoiding them and pushing them away, they know that, but there's nothing else that they can do.

A rest day is given to them, they used it to its full advantage.

Right after they had dinner and Seokjin gave Yoongi his plate of food in his room, the boys solemnly watched a movie together.

They had asked Yoongi to join them but as usual, the omega refused and stayed locked up in his room.

The thunderstorm outside muffled the sound from the movie they were watching which made it hard for them to focus on the movie.

It had started raining by the afternoon and it didn't go away, instead, it got stronger until the news announced that there would be a storm.

The storm didn't bother them though, the cold made them huddle up together as they continued to watch the movie.

"Wish Yoongi hyung could join us," Jimin mumbles.

Taehyung sighs, "Yeah, he'd love to make fun of Hobi hyung yelling from watching a horror movie."

The others laughed at this and the said member scowled.

Yoongi, on the other hand, is feeling the complete opposite of how his members are feeling because of the storm.

That night he was jumped by two alphas, the weather was the same as this one.

He couldn't tell his members about how he's scared of thunderstorms, they will probably laugh at him and that's the last thing he wants.

So he turned off his lights and closed his windows, forcing himself to fall asleep so he wouldn't have to suffer.

But he couldn't.

For some reason, he couldn't sleep and the storm outside is getting even worse.

Thunderstorms getting louder and more frequent by each passing minute.

Yoongi groaned and took another pillow to cover his ears so he wouldn't have to listen to the loud thundering sounds from outside.

A thunder erupted and his body froze from fear.

Memories from that night came rushing back to him like flood and his heart started beating faster, almost painful in his chest.

Another one came, and another, and so on.

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