Chapter 6

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3rd person

This cannot be right.

Min Yoongi, one of Bangtan's rappers and Namjoon's hyung is currently presenting himself to him because the supposed beta is now going through his heat.

"Alpha..." Yoongi manages to call out to Namjoon with his whiny voice making the alpha's dick twitch inside his pants.

Kim Namjoon is having an inner conflict with himself as his high IQ is not working and he doesn't know what to do since his last brain cell stopped functioning.

The leader glances down to his member's body and scolds himself for not looking away at the sinful sight in front of him.

Namjoon's alpha is howling in excitement.

Still being conscious enough to think more rationally even though the pheromones that Yoongi is releasing is really getting into him, he needs to keep himself from pouncing on the omega and get help before he does something he'll regret later.

"GUYS!! COME QUICK!!" He yells out to his members.

Then, with all the self-control that he has left in his body, he turns around back to Yoongi and takes his blanket to cover his hyung with it.

Knowing that there are three other alphas out there, seeing Yoongi in such a state will just escalate the situation at hand.

"N-namjoon-ah... please help me," Yoongi pleads as he grips tightly on Namjoon's arm. "It h-hurts so bad... alpha."

The alpha's grip on the fabric of the blanket tightens as he musters the rest of his self-control and just ends up cupping the older's face.

"Hyung..." Namjoon coos. "You don't know what you're saying, this isn't what you want, it's your heat talking and you don't really want me to do stuff with you."

Yoongi shakes his head, "No! I do want you to help! P-please! I can't take this anymore!!"

"Yoongi hyung... you're in heat," I whisper to him as I wipe the sweat off his forehead. "You're just saying that because I'm an alpha. I want to help you, I really do, but I don't want to force you into something that you'll regret later."

Yoongi is about to beg to him again when more people barge into his room.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING IN HERE?!" Jin yells at the two.

Namjoon's eyes widens, "Hyung! Get the maknaes out of here!!"

"What? What's happening with Yoongi hyung?" Jimin asks curiously as he tries to peek into the room.

"Is that Yoongi hyung?!" Jungkook exclaims. "Why does he look like that? He smells like he's in—"


"Hyung is in heat?!" Taehyung yells and immediately sprints in the room but Hoseok fortunately caught him first.

"What the fuck is going on, Namjoon?!" Jin asks their leader. "I just told you to apologize to him and now he's miraculously in heat?!"

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