Chapter 14

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(A/N: Full credits to the owner of this

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(A/N: Full credits to the owner of this. Also, just wanted to show this picture to everyone for visual purposes.)

3rd person

In the quiet morning in Bangtan's dorm began and Min Yoongi's petite body slowly got out of Taehyung's hold as he tiptoes out of the bed and out of his room.

Trying to keep quiet while the alpha sleeps. His legs aren't helping him though since every step that he takes brings pain.

"Curse Kim Taehyung and his dick," He mutters to himself and finally gets out of his room.

He makes his way through the quiet hallway and to the kitchen for some unknown reason. It's not a habit of his to just wake up early in the morning and immediately go to the kitchen.

This is Jin's job.

Once Yoongi realizes that he's in the kitchen, he sighs to himself and pinches the bridge of his nose, knowing exactly why he's here.

The omega just finished two sex sessions with two alphas in one night so his omega self is acting on instinct and is controlling him to act like the mother of the household.

He's not acting like Min Yoongi.

He's acting like an omega.

Without another word, he starts rummaging around the kitchen to look for things that he could use to cook food.

It's been a while since he cooked breakfast alone since he doesn't really wake up this early and the others are still asleep.

Even Seokjin who's usually the one making breakfast for everyone and waking them up, Yoongi's omega self is forcing him to do it rather than go back to the comfort of Taehyung's arms and sleep.

Yoongi's focus is set on finishing cooking the food before the others arrive which means that he doesn't realize the rest of Bangtan slowly waking up and making their way to the kitchen.

Taehyung groans and yawns when finally wakes up from his deep sleep. Eyes widening when he realized that the small body that slept right beside him last night is now gone.

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