Chapter 16

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3rd person

"He's taking a long time there," Jin turns to the door where Yoongi just walked out fifteen minutes ago.

"The washroom is just at the end of the hall."

Namjoon sighs, not taking his eyes off of his phone, "The washroom on this floor is probably closed so he went to go find another one."

"But it shouldn't be closed," Hoseok says as he takes another bite of his food. "I heard from the staff that it's open since there will be guests coming and it'll be easier for them."

Jin has finally had enough and stood up from their table, "I'm going to check on him."

"He'll be fine, hyung."

"No! I'm going to look for him," Jin says with determination. "Are you all coming or what?"

Ever since they all found out about Yoongi being an omega, their senses have changed whenever the omega is near.

They're more protective and territorial than usual.

Because Yoongi is not mated to the pack, Namjoon's wolf only acts out to others in a friendly status even though he cares for his hyung as more than a friend.

Seokjin, however, being the parent of the group, is very much protective and territorial of Yoongi more than usual since he's the only omega in the group.

It's Jin's instincts acting out. He's feeling something bad might have happened to the omega.

All six of them walked out of the venue and to the washroom at the end of the hall where Yoongi should be right now.

Just as they reach the door, the smell of mixed scents are leaking out of the small opening under the door.

"Is someone in a rut?" Namjoon asked, appalled by the strong smells.

"By the looks of it, it's not just one," Jimin says darkly.

Jin kicks the door open to see three alpha males hovering over their seventh member.

Everyone stopped moving and the room fell silent until a small whimper from the omega being stripped down triggered the six men by the door.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING TO HIM?!" Namjoon yelled at the three.

The three alphas flinched at the loud voice and the omega cowered in fear.

"GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF OF HIM," Hoseok growled as the six of them move closer.

"I told you to lock the door!" One of the alphas told the other.

The other shrugged, "I thought it was automatic."

"Automatic?! The fuck?!"

Their argument was cut off when Jungkook punched the third alpha by the jaw and he let go of Yoongi as he fell on the floor.

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