Chapter 25

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A/N: As a Christmas (or whatever event you celebrate) present from me to you guys, I'll publish the first chapter for my new book (this one is almost finished.)

I really hope you all like the plot!!

3rd person

Sejin walked out of Bangtan's dorm with a heavy heart, leaving a very much — and dumb — group of six men staring at the door.

There was silence in the living room and nobody wanted to speak, it's not like they can really say anything about the situation.

Jin clears his throat, catching everyone's attention.

"We should all go to sleep," He tells everyone and miraculously —

A/N: miraculous~ simply the best! Up to the test when things go wrong!! Sorry... please keep reading now.

Nobody seemed to disagree with him and they all began to make their way to their own rooms, glancing to the familiar door they have not touched for more than two weeks.

While everyone else seemed to be bothered with so many questions in their minds, Jin catches Namjoon staring at Yoongi's door.

The beta walks to the alpha.

"You okay?" He asks Namjoon.

The alpha shakes his head and looks up to his hyung, "W-what if... what if we made a mistake?"

Jin chokes at the question of his dongsaeng, "I-I don't know."

The two finally separated after one last utter of goodnight and went to their own rooms, thinking of the same questions the others are thinking about as well.

Could they be wrong?

The evidence of Yoongi's crime was right there in front of them.

Well, it is true that they didn't let him speak, explain, nor talk about his side of the situation to actually understand what happened.

A pinch of guilt begins to creep up Namjoon's veins and because he couldn't bear the thought of actually being wrong about Yoongi, he pushed those thoughts away and forced himself to sleep.

Sejin came marching in their dorm to talk about how they were ignoring Yoongi and talked about their argument as a group.

Of course, the group was a bit shocked to know that Sejin knew about their fight and thought that Yoongi probably just needed someone to back him up or something.

For almost two weeks, all six of them thought that Yoongi was probably just leaving the dorm earlier than the rest of them and coming home late so he could avoid any contact with any of the members, that'll why they haven't seen him in a long time.

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