Chapter 29

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A/N: Look how happy they look in this gif🥺 unlike their situation in my book😌

3rd person

Bangtan finished another day of practice and everyone else just left the room, leaving Jimin and Yoongi alone in the silence.

"Go on, Jimin, don't wait for me," Yoongi told the alpha.

But Jimin didn't listen and stood by the door, still waiting for Yoongi to finish packing.

The group realized that Yoongi doesn't like going home with his members so Sejin would take the six of them home first and just come back for Yoongi who will be waiting by the parking lot.

They stopped asking Yoongi to join them since it would probably just annoy the omega and would lead him to hate them even more.

"Jimin," Yoongi glared at the boy standing by the door.

"I — I just wanted to..." The alpha trailed off, not really knowing what to say.

Yoongi ignored him and finished packing and walked towards the door where Jimin was waiting for him.

"Why the fuck are you wasting your time to be with me?" The omega groaned at him.

Jimin looked appalled, "Hyung, I just wanted to spend some time with you and apologize."

"Tsk, find some more original ways to apologize to me and not wait for people to leave."

Then, the alpha immediately went on his knees in front of him which shocked Yoongi.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" Yoongi yelled at him. "Stand up, Park Jimin!"

"Hyung, believe me, I'm really desperate," Jimin says with his head looking up at the omega. "I want to apologize to you, I really do, please just give me a chance."

Yoongi sighed while he stared down at Jimin before walking past the alpha, leaving Jimin into tears on his knees.

Taehyung, on the other hand, has had enough of always being avoided and pushed away by the omega.

He misses all the hugs and kisses that he would give to Yoongi, he misses the way the omega would pat him on the head and compliment him for doing a good job, and he misses all the moments he used to have with his hyung.

All is gone now.

But he won't give up on Yoongi.

With every moment that he can, he would ask Yoongi if he could help him with something, if he needs food, water, a person to cuddle with.

"Hyung, do you need anything?"


"Yoongi hyung, do you need help with that."

"I'm fine on my own."

"Hyung, do you want to come with us to the—"


"Hyung, do you wanna—"


"Yoongi hyung, care to—"


"Are you sure you don't want us to—"

"Yes, I'm sure."

"Should I—"


"Can we cuddle, hyung?"


"Can I hug—"


Their conversations always cut short due to the fact that Yoongi already knows what Taehyung is going to say and he would immediately refuse the alpha's offer.

As weeks grew by, Taehyung started to get frustrated, not because of Yoongi, but because he can't sleep properly without thinking about the omega.

He wants to touch his hyung, hold his hand, hug him, and place his nose by his neck where his scent gland is located.

He would cry himself to sleep, hugging a pillow and thinking it's Yoongi.

Taehyung wouldn't tell Yoongi this though, he doesn't want the omega to pity him and force him into doing something that he doesn't really want to do.

So all he can do now is to wait.

Wait and see if Yoongi will be able to forgive them.

Taehyung is literally starving and aching for Yoongi's touch.

The maknae of Bangtan, just like the rest of its members, are suffering as well.

Just like Taehyung, Jungkook would take advantage of every moment that he can with Yoongi but the omega would just push him away.

"Hyung, do you want to join us?"

"I'll pass."

These types of responses from Yoongi are not new to the group anymore as they know that the omega is doing everything that he can to avoid them.

Seeing Yoongi act this way hurts Jungkook so much in a way that nobody has ever felt before.

The omega helped raise Jungkook ever since he was in middle school, Yoongi was practically a parent to Jungkook and he missed having his hyung around.

All the silent gestures Yoongi would make and all the small compliments he would give just melts his heart but all those things are gone now.

On stage, Yoongi can't just walk away from his group and ignore them in front of thousands of people.

Jungkook took this as an opportunity to spend time with Yoongi and the fact that his hyung is interacting back to him just makes his heart swell with happiness.

Until, he noticed and realized that Yoongi's just doing this because of the fans.

He immediately stopped this because he realized that Yoongi is probably just forcing himself to smile and talk to him so the fans wouldn't worry.

Jungkook doesn't want that.

He doesn't want to force Yoongi into something he doesn't want to do.

He wants genuine responses from Yoongi.

The maknae just wants his Yoongi hyung back.

Another practice is finished, the group is about to walk out to the cafeteria for lunch and are packing up when a knock on the door is heard.

Namjoon walked towards it and opened the door revealing five boys with innocent smiles on their faces.

"Sunbaenim!" They exclaimed, catching everyone's attention.

Namjoon smiled back, "Hey boys, what are you all doing here?"

"Oh, we'd like to ask if we could borrow Yoongi hyung for lunch," One of them responded.

At his name, Yoongi stood up from the floor, all eyes are on him as he walked to the door where TXT is waiting for him.

Namjoon had no choice but to step away from the door.

Bangtan's heart sank as they saw Yoongi smile and hug each member of the rookie group, they even heard him laugh and giggle at whatever the members said.

TXT waved goodbye to the six remaining members of Bangtan and the boys waved back but Yoongi didn't even spare them a glance or even tell them where he's going.

"Hyung really hates us now," The maknae frowned.

Taehyung scoffed, "I hate myself too for hurting him."

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