Chapter 14

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When the court broke for lunch, I was seated on the bench outside the door. I had sat there fuming for a while after returning, but eventually it had turned back into shame. The lawyer had a point. I should've done something to protect myself, but I didn't.

The first person out the door was my mother. Her eyes were swollen. Just seeing her made me cry, which made her cry even more. We hugged and then my dad hugged the both of us. Mom kept apologizing for not realizing anything was wrong, over and over again.

"Stop apologizing," I croaked as I pulled back some. "How would you have known if I hadn't told you?" She pulled me back into the hug and we cried on each other for a moment longer before I noticed my friends standing nearby. Devin appeared antsy and Kolleen was pale. "I have to speak to someone," I said as I pulled away.

The moment I was in arm's reach, Kolleen pulled me into a hug. She wasn't crying, but she was shaking. "I never knew," she muttered. "You never said anything." She pulled back and looked into my eyes. "I'm so sorry for all that stuff I said to you before."

I nodded. "Okay." I looked at Devin. "I'm sorry that you guys had to hear it at the same time everyone else did."

Kolleen sniffled and nodded. "Well, it couldn't be helped. I know it was hard for you to say."

Devin sighed. "I wish you didn't have to go through any of that."

"Makes two of us," I said, wiping my eyes again. Our eyes met and I felt myself relax a little bit. They held all the warmth they had before. He wasn't put off. My relief surprised me. I didn't even know I was worried. I glanced down and then met his eyes again. They softened slightly as he held his arms open a little. I gave him a hug and breathed in the scent of his cologne. It mixed with his scent and I relaxed into him a little bit.

Why did he have to smell so good? Why did it have to be so hard to pry myself away from him and turn to my parents?

"Mom, Dad, this is Officer Devin Williams," I told them, gesturing at him. "We met after the first time Josh broke into my apartment. He's been a good friend to the both of us ever since. Devin, this is my mom and dad - the Chandlers."

He took his hat off and held out his hand. "Nice to meet you." They shook his hand and he turned to me. "I need to get to work now, but I'll be here tomorrow afternoon when that guy is on the stand."

"Okay." He nodded at my parents and then Kolleen before leaving.

Once he was out of sight, my mother turned to me. "It certainly didn't take you long to find someone," she said, a concerned look on her face.

"We're not together," I told her. "We don't see each other that way, either." I hoped Kolleen wouldn't roll her eyes. My mother's expression showed me she didn't believe a word I said. "Honestly, Mom. I would never jump straight into another relationship like that. Besides, I don't want one."

She frowned at me. "That's fine, but don't keep him waiting too long. He seems like a nice enough guy, but if you leave him holding on for too long it's just going to end badly."

"Leave him... What are you-?" Wait. Did he really like me that way? It wasn't completely out of the question, I knew, but still. I shook my head. "Mom, I told you. We're just friends and that's all I want."

Kolleen nudged me. "I'm sorry, but are you planning on coming back for the second half?" I shook my head. I had to come back and give my victim's statement after Josh's testimony, so I didn't want to be here to hear them dissect my testimony from today. "Okay."


"Defense would like to invite Josh Summet to the stand," the defense lawyer said. I took a deep breath as Josh was sworn in, trying to remain calm and collected. Devin and Kolleen both gave me small nudges. "Mr. Summet," the lawyer said loudly, drawing every eye to himself. "At this time, would you please tell the court about your relationship with Miss Chandler?"

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