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Victoria runs the North American Vampire Council in some very modern ways. She is a big believer in the 'one on one' face-to-face type of meeting. She travels all around the NorthAm region to meet with her team.

When she comes to Austin, Victoria can take out a big chunk of her itinerary.

Victoria toured New Ninovan and met with Ginger and Wyatt. The two former Sirens live there now. They are still on the Siren Assembly because there is no way we would let the Siren's kick them off.

Victoria talked to them about Siren issues. As former Sirens / new Vampires / still members of the Siren Assembly, their viewpoint is unique, powerful, and influential. They are also pretty good people. Turns out when Sirens grow up they are pretty nice. Some of them.

May all the gods save me from young male Sirens.

The Sirens know not to screw with Vampires anymore. Their culture of 'an eye for an eye' means they are waiting for us to pay them back for their multiple infractions against us. As bad as the 'Vampire Erasure' infraction against me was, I am most emotionally connected to the fact they raped Ginger.

When I talk to Sirens, I let them know that the Council member who is the secretary of Vampire Crew is very unhappy about that. We are trying not to tell the Sirens what they can and cannot do. We stopped the seduction of human females at Open Mike Night.

I will not tolerate rape either. If I am going to have to be on the fucking Council then I will damn well use this platform to fix a few things. No one in the Vampire world has pushed back on my hardline stance there. The Siren relationship is my responsibility on Council.

Vera, as Siren Liaison, tells me I have been convincing about my anger with them.

Denise, head of Crew, witnessed by a member of the Assembly, beheading the rapists of Ginger underlined it. It is no secret at the Siren Assembly level who Denise and I are to each other. Denise has no more special love of killing than I do, but we have the Siren's convinced that rape is a death penalty offense now. That is our 'Eye for an Eye'.

While at Ninovan (because the locals have largely dropped the word 'New') Victoria talked to Simi and Tobey about community issues. Helen was there for that meeting and told me that the news on that front is getting better. Simi reported to Victoria that there has been less graffiti. More community involvement. The ways in which Helen and Denise went after the community pride seem to be working. Ninovan when it was a lost city in the woods of northern Lousiana used to be isolated and mostly uninvolved with the larger world. New Ninovan brought with it a host of issues.

My family goes there to play and socialize. We have community events in the pavilion. Song nights, including informal play-alongs with my family band. Group dinners. Dances. My Rachel plays sports there. My Diana goes to school in the new school we built there. One cannot have children of Vampires, Sirens, and Astrals running around in public schools. They are too young to understand the consequences of talking about their parents and what they can do. Things of this nature have put the Ninovan's in the center of the Vampire world. Layer on top of that, that new Ninovan was given to them. They had to be moved fast. It is not a simple transition to make.

In that personal meeting, Victoria made it very personal when asked Simi when she was going to have a child with me. Victoria is aware I am committed in that direction. Helen reported to me that Simi said she and Tobey are going to wait to give me space from Vera and Angel's pregnancies. They are in no hurry, have plans for a kid of their own, and they have a third person in their relationship right now: Tala.

Thank all the gods.

Vera is deeply into the bonding part of Vampire pregnancy like no one else since Morgan, except Vera has fangs.

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