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"I just want to know if it is going to fuck up all of Vampire / Siren relations when I pound Larry into the earth. You said I could when you made me into this Liaison thing." Vera said on the phone. She is at work, thus the call and not yelling down the stairs at me.

I answered, and that was her opening sentence. Not 'Hi' or anything. Just right into it. That is Vera. Angry Vera.

"You are covered. I said so, in front of Larry. Out of curiosity, what is the provocation?"

"Hand on my soon to be milk-filled boob." Vera said.

"Can you wait? I'll gather up the Doctor to put him back together afterward and be right there."

"OK. Not like I need your help to kick Larry's ass." Vera said, not wanting to wait.

"No: But let's go ahead and make an example of him, and invent some new policy at the same time." I said.

"Fine." Vera grumbled. "Hurry up. I want to pound him so hard."

"Tell you what: if you wait for me, instead of you pounding him right away, how about we have a date later and you get some of the kind of loving you like." I counter-offered.

"I know you will be gentler than I want because of Ben, but that is an offer I cannot refuse. Fine. Deal. Get here. I'll go clear off my desk for afterward." Vera said.

Vera is going to collect fast. Vera. Pregnant Vampire. Nothing about that is in any way unexpected.

The difficult-to-navigate part of the Vampire / Siren relationship is that the juvenile Sirens (Sirens less than about 70 or 80 years of age) have no idea about the current Grand Assembly, or how Vampires have the upper hand there. Nor do we want them to know.

Juvie's think it is the way it has always been. That they can do whatever they want in 'The Firehouse' and there are no consequences as long as they obey the voice on the phone that calls Larry. They had no idea the voice was often the disguised voice of an older female Siren on the Assembly. I don't know how they handled that before the days of modern electronic voice modifiers. Maybe had their spouses make the calls or something.

The juvie Sirens did not know the recent proscription against seducing humans via song came from Vampires via the Assembly. They knew it was the new rule. Siren culture: A voice on the phone says no more singing to and getting humans pregnant. Just get lady Sirens with child from now on. They obey. No questions asked.

No questions does not mean they are happy about it. They grumbled since that made it harder to seduce women. Female Sirens are not nearly as prone to the seduction of Song. Vera never gave in to it when she was a Siren. I have never asked Kitty or Leslie. Their business.

No matter how much the young Siren men disliked that rule, that paled in comparison to their cultural distaste for the fact that Vera is now the Liaison. They do not know she is Vampire these days either.

Vera turned herself using the bioweapon we were developing, so she likes the change. It was completely her idea and her doing. Same with Wyatt and Ginger. Becoming a Vampire healed Ginger after her brutal rape by the Sirens, which left her disabled. They were happy to leave Siren-hood behind, even if they did not leave the Siren world or the Assembly behind.

The other Grand Assembly members that we gave no choice about turning and are now Vampires are still pissed about it. Pissed off about being Vampires. Pissed off they are subject to Vampire rules. Pissed off that the only ones that know they are Vampires are the other Assembly members we were making a point with.

We turned them to prove we could. Our position: If you don't want to turn into a vampire, don't build a biotech lab to hurt us we can turn around on you.

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