Drive to Camp

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Out in the wilds of the Hill Country, away from large population centers and therefore as isolated as we can make a facility like this inside North America, we Vampires built 'Boot Camp'. The location is also close to Austin, therefore to Ninovan, the hub of Vampire life in North America these days.

I keep expecting Victoria to move to Austin to be closer to the technical and political action. It is not as if Vampires do not move around a great deal.

The original idea of Boot Camp was simple. There were two fundamental problems with the old probation thing Vampires did. One is that they left the fresh male Vampire out in the world. Temptation everywhere. This was akin to telling someone with a sweet tooth that they were going to be dropped off in a candy store for two years, but don't eat any!

The other is that fresh Vampire males can need more time than the old two-year probation period to get past some of the 'just been turned' sexually aggressive behavior.

Take the normal male sex drive of a human. The societal 'Boys will be Boys' lack of telling men that they, not women, are responsible for their sex drive and behaviors. Amp up the sex drive via the Vampire Mutation Complex. Suddenly become not only younger, but stronger. In every sense healthier than a human. Layer in pheromones and fangs as tools. Season with hormones trying to override the frontal cortex executive functions with a simple mating message: go forth and seduce.

The result is a cauldron of insanity hormones, with the physical health and stamina of a Vampire, often operating under the impression that women would not dress that way if they did not 'want it'.

A recipe for disaster.

If the seething pile of lust that is a fresh turn always wanted to fuck little Suzy from high school, they can look up Suzy, and regardless of her current situation, including marital status, take her to bed as much as they want. She is unlikely to be able to resist.

Pheromones have a variability of potency in both genders. Part of why fangs have Juice. Pheromones are meant to allow a Vampire to get in close to a blood meal. Not every Vampire can spray them about and get what they want. No matter how temped the pheromones make her feel, perhaps a human woman can resist. Now one is faced with the Vampire versus human strength issue.

There are cases where a fresh turn took what they wanted. If they know about how the fangs and Juice work, they can make her forget being raped. Always wanted a supermodel? Theirs for the taking. Always wanted to try every ethnic flavor of women available? Go to the big city and start picking out your type for the day. Pheromones, power, and Juice. Humans have no chance against that combination.

Vampires are the apex predator. Vampires without discipline and training are a misfire.

This is not only about the way this can lead to a trail of victims, but how Vampires could be discovered because of that trail. It had to be dealt with.

That over many thousands of years led to many male Vampires not passing probation and instead being killed by Crew.

Fresh turns can be hell. Fresh female turns have similar issues. Women have historically been taught to better control themselves. The flip side of the way males are never held to account for their behavior is that women are better suited as fresh Vampires. They are used to responsibility. Having to override what they might want in deep down, more carnal ways.

An older, more experienced female Vampire can indulge herself and usually does. She knows how to hunt and hide. She had the time to learn it.

As bad as the hunting behavior is, and as disruptive as seducing whoever they want may be, the real problem is the fanging. That is how humans turn. Female humans turn far more often than males. Extremely more often.

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