Chapter 3: The Watercolor Sunrise

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Wavering Destiny
by Strawberry Moon Rose

Things are starting to happen! Thank you everyone for taking the time to read this fanfiction, it really means a lot to me.

Enjoy! :)

Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon or any of the characters. They belong to Naoko Takeuchi.
Chapter 3: The Watercolor Sunrise

Clink! The glass slipped between Fighter's fingers. It shattered on the table, hundreds of shiny shards in a snowflake pattern. Orange juice seeped into the thick table cloth.

"S-Seiya!" Healer's eyes widened in astonishment.

Fighter stared blankly ahead, as if the words stunned her when they'd left Maker's lips. No. I heard wrong. My mind's playing tricks on me.

"You're...joking," Fighter said quickly, finding her voice. She said it as more of a statement than a question.

Maker frowned. "I am very much serious. She and the others are outside the gate. I just heard it from the Princess herself."

Fighter felt as if the room was spinning. A ringing buzzed in her ears. Everything looked as if it was splashed with bleach, stealing the color from the room. Was she going to be sick? This couldn't be happening. Sailor Moon couldn't be on her planet. Impossible.

"Fighter, come on!" Healer urged her.

Fighter let the reality of Maker's words sink in. Sailor Moon is here. At the palace. On Kinmoku... Bun Head is here!

"Yes!" Fighter jumped up from her seat faster than anyone thought was possible.

The Sailor Starlights made their way out into the hallway that led to the main entrance. Fighter felt uneasy. This can't be happening. Just as I promised myself to forget about her... Why is she here? Did something happen? What am I going to say to her?

The excitement got the best of her and she hurried ahead to lead Maker and Healer down the hall. Ultimately, she was the leader. She needed to act like it. With every step, Fighter become more anxious. Bun Head, I...

They reached the entrance doors of the palace to find them held open by two workers. Fighter gave them a nod of acknowledgement and continued outside at a brisk pace, Maker and Healer following at her heels. The sweet scent of freshly cut grass floated through the air. The sun had just peeked over the horizon, illuminating the dark sky with its radiant rays. The sunrise was watercolors of blue and purple. It was a beautiful morning in more ways than one.

The Starlights had just stepped outside the palace when Fighter spotted the Princess. She was wearing her usual gown and had her back turned to the three guardians as they approached her. Her red hair fluttered over her back in the slight morning breeze.

"Princess?" Fighter started.

Kakyuu turned around gracefully. With a smile she said, "We have some visitors. Follow me." She held her gaze to Fighter, giving her a meaningful look. But Fighter couldn't read her expression and dismissed it.

Kakyuu led them down the stone stairs and towards the gate. As they got closer, Fighter could see five silhouettes standing in the distance. The rising sun behind them made the figures difficult to make out. Thump. Thump. Her heart was racing. Could it really be...?

"We are so happy you came so far to visit us," Kakyuu greeted them. "I'm sure the journey has been a long one."

"We're glad we made it," answered a familiar, high-pitched voice.

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