Day 1~ Cuddles

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YES I AM DOING 25 DAYS OF CADNIS!!! I really hope you like these. Some of them will be short, others will be longer. This takes time a few years after their high school so yessss.
kenzieslovelyworld thank you for some of the inspiration!
Now let's begin

December 1st 2020. THE day where all the stores start playing Christmas music. Where everyone is going to get their Christmas stuff from the attic or basement and where the weather drops to below 10 nearly every day.

And it's also the day where blankets are an essential.

Cady is sitting on her couch. Kind of feeling alone in her house. The TV is on but she isn't really paying attention.

She looks around the room and thinks. Why does it look and feel so cold here?

The truth is, Cady has just moved into this house. The walls are still plain and white, the boxes still unpacked.

The only thing on the big empty room is the couch, TV and a small boring coffee table.

Unlocking her phone, she looks at the time; 6:15pm. It was already dark outside and she had just come home from work.

Cady is a math teacher in high school. Something she always wanted to be. Knowing that's she's pretty good at math, plus really likes to help other, this was the perfect option.

She immediately went to college after she graduated from high school. And when college was done, Cady had already found the school where she wanted to teach.

North shore

Don't ask her why, she doesn't really know herself. But something about the school still gives Cady good, but also bad memories. It's the place where the redhead found some of her favorite people. Damian and Janis. And surprisingly also Regina Karen and Gretchen.

Cady was pulled out of her thoughts by a knock on her door.

Standing up, she walked over to the door. As soon as she opened the door, the strawberry blonde was met by one huge hug. Not having the time to look at the person's face.

"HI Bambi" Cady immediately recognized the voice and the nickname. The smell of freshly opened paint and cinnamon filled her nostrils, giving her the familiar safe feeling.

"Hi Sunflower" The nicknames were something they have been doing ever since they could remember. It's something only the two of them call each other.

Janis let go of Cady and she looked at her eyes. The beautiful pool of ocean blue, the bright sparkle that always seemed to shimmer, and the glow of hope and happiness. The eyes Janis fell in love with, and still makes her fall deeper and deeper.

"I missed you" Janis spoke up as the two walked into the room. They sat down on the couch after the taller girl put her bag down on the kitchen table.

"It's only been like, half a day?" Cady chuckled and cuddled into her side.

"So!? I can still miss you every second of the day. What would I do other than missing you all day" Janis said full of disbelief. "actually wait don't answer that question, answer this question instead" Cady her mind filled with confusion.

What would her mind have come up with now

That's also a question she better not answer. Cady has known Janis four about 6 years now, and the things she comes up with a unbelievable.

"KitKat, where the hell are your cozy Christmas blankets!?"

Wait what?

Cady looked around. Knowing damn well that she doesn't have blankets, but looking for them anyway.

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