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"Suna Ito ?"

The both of you holds your loud breaths as you two stared at each other with wide eyes.

"Fuck"Suna swears as he pulls his cock from you.He quickly grabbed yours and his cloths from the floor and he tossed yours to you.

"Shit,I forgot that she knows the password of my door"He pulls his hoodie on.

"Bitch what do I do there's no spots here to hide"You said as you put your cloths on you.

"Grab the milk and food from my refrigerator.please set it up as like we're eating.Ill do the explaining and you go with the flow ok?"Suna said as he walks to his front door.

You did as what he told you and you fixed yourself.

You positioned yourself in the chair while you scroll down to your phone.

You should fucking pay me
For acting ok?

You texted Suna.

Literally and originally planned
To not let her go inside to avoid more
Problems but she saw your
Slippers 💀

Hehe yolo

She fucking suspecting with
Those eyes wtf I feel like I'm going
To cry

Bruh you gon stay there and chat
And like "lol we fucked"when she sees me?

I mean there's no turning back
Lol we fucked

Tell her I'm here to ask you questions
About ur school I'm doing research

It's literally midnight why would she
Believe that shit

I'm already helping u and ur
Talking 2 me lik dat
Why u gon be lik dat😭

Tell her I forgot the research is due
Tom and like uh we are like friends
And ur the closest in my neighbor
So it'll be like quick to finish my task

Woah smart☺️❤️

What do u expect from a
National Brain competitor


"Y/n..." Suna stood behind a girl.

You stood up and bowed your head a little to be polite with her.

You waved at her and said "hi I'm Suna's frien-"

"What are you doing here in the middle of the night?"

Suna freezes at her girlfriends word as his mind was saying "bruh why she be like that ur going to get fucked up you don't know her?why u talking back she's can literally stab you rn and bail herself out the jail with no problem lmao"

You freeze at your position and you really got triggered by her words.rude bitch.

But you tried to maintain your reputation."I'm here for some research asking suna about his school"you smiled as you sat down again.

Even tho you aren't paying attention to her but focused on your phone trying to chill,You can feel her intense glare pierced through your skin.

Bitch if you know me I could actually stab you with a knife right now and bail myself from prison ya know.

The two who were murmuring stuffs you can hear and the tension between was really thick and awkward.

"Y-y/n,You're almost done with the research right?"Suna scratched the back of his head nervously.

"I'm almost finished but I think I can do this myself.I should leave you guys some space.Ill be going back now"you smiled.tangina mo ha I wouldn't have a problem with you if you were not rude you asshole.

You walked right past to the both of you but as you wore your slippers,You turned back to Suna who was looking at you while the girls back was facing you.

You winked at him as you and he presses his lips in a thin line as you shut the door.

Little what Suna knows you kept one button on your T-shirt open that exposed your cleavage with red marks and your pretty sure she saw it.


Now ur a villain and not a main character
It's a hallucination

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