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wait to clear some things up about the previous chapter about the age 68 it was just an exaggeration like he meant that he is willing to wait for u even tho he's like old enough to walk lol pls I'm crying

"Luna I'm going to Japan tomorrow "you said as you slurped down the Chinese food.

Your friend,Luna chokes on her water."wait that's all of a sudden.Finally,your doing something productive this week and not just garbaging your room crying for that guy Beak Kyung"She rolls her eyes.

You glared at her,"He deserves better than that guy Haru bitch"

"Chille first of all,it's all Beak Kyungs fault and don't bad mouth my baby you bitch"She shuts you off as you inhale deeply,controlling your temper.Oh you don't want to start another fight with her over a Kdrama series.

"By the way Incase I go back late please tell them it's an urgent matter."

"You're asking me to lie to them?I know your just going to meet that guy whose been sending you those letters"She said as she raised her eyebrows multiple times,teasing you.

"Chill were just friends,He even has his own family now.Im just going there to solve some suspicious things that's been going on at the letters."you said,referring to the black smuggled things that were always in the letter.

"Nah I think that shit is just an erasure or error or something.Dont tell me your going to travel a 14 hour flight just to ask if what's with that black thing"Luna says.

"Not only that,but I'm going to solve the time delays too.Its pretty confusing I don't know if this is a kind of game or something but seems like it's been bothering me.I feel like somethings really wrong with it"

"Oh you meant the letter deliveries?Based on my understandings the process of shipping at letters is takes like two weeks or one month.Dont be dramatic."

"Bitch so your telling me two years delayed is normal to you?"You referred about the volleyball day,where Suna's team won the tournament back in 2029,But the letter about the tournament arrived at 2031.The letter wasn't using any past nouns or pronouns.It seemed like he wrote it at the same day.

Luna chokes at her food again."oh.Wait?what?two years?I think when he sent it there was a delay or he had busy schedules that's why he didn't send it at the post at the exact day?"She tried to make sense.-"y/n stop making excuses I know you just wanted to meet him.Stop lying to me your too obvious."She laughs.

"Fine,I just missed him."

"If you missed him why wouldn't you tell any informations about yourself?He's been hoping for you to send him a letter back.To be honest that's kinda selfish.I mean it's been 5 damn years since he started sending you letters after knowing your location"She said.

"That's why I didn't want to take notice of him.Remember?i wanted to cut ties with everyone in this world."

Luna sighs."Please,go pack your stuff now.Its stressful to talk to you.Goodbye"


It has been 10 years since you last step your place,Japan.The scenery was serving you off.It was different yet comfortable.

It was already night after you arrived at your 14 hour flight.You took out your phone,scrolling through your contacts and you chuckled and realized,You cut ties with everyone.

You smiled and sigh as you stretched your back,growing exhausted from the flight.

The first thing you thought after arriving at Japan is to go to the place,where Suna stays and waits for you.

You smiled looking at the bright stars,remembering the times where the two of you would love to gaze and space out of the night.

You remembered at one of his letters where he said he will never open the jar until you arrive.

Your body grows in excitement when the taxi stops at the specific mountain.

"Thank you."You said to the driver as you payed and bid him goodbye.

You brought your luggage with you,sighing because you'll have to carry the baggage at the stairs going through the His spot.

Each and each steps makes you nervous and scared.you started to overthink things.

Will he not forgive me for cutting ties with him?

Will he jump on my arms if he sees me?

Will he still be here waiting for me?

You took the last steps of the stairs,seeing the most missed spot.

You smiled in excitement,then you faced the bench.

Your smile and heart dropped.


Stay confused yolo >:))

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