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"Suna where are we?"You asked,looking at the view where he has taken you.

He smiles cockily at you as he exits his car,going at your side and opens the car door,squatting.

As he promised,You dive in his back feeling comfortable as you choke him with your arms.

"Y/N PLEASE-"Suna breaths out loud sand there you are,choking at your own saliva for laughing at his reaction.

He squats,letting you sit on an empty bench.

The place was full of nature things and city lights as millions of bright stars shine through your diverted eyes.

You were mesmerized at the beautiful scenery Suna had took you.

It was quiet and peaceful,the only two of you was in the area.

It was quiet and peaceful,the only two of you was in the area

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"Hi" he simply answered as he sits beside you,relaxing his other arms around your shoulders.

Silence fills the air as both of your emotions drowning,early wanting to say things to each other.

But it felt wrong once again,your face suddenly drops as the thought of it-suna noticed.

"What's wrong?you don't like the view?"He looks at you,a worried and scared aura roaming at you.

"What uh no it's just I have something to tell"you Locked your eyes at his.

"What is that?good or bad news?"Suna holds your arms tightly.

"Something good for me and bad for you"you chuckled.

"Spill the tea sis"

You chuckled at his response."I'll be going to Oxford."you spilled straightforwardly.

Suna dropped his smile as he stiffens his body,shocked by your words.

"Hoi,suna atleast move or congrat me"you rolled your eyes playfully at him.

He only freezes as he blinks his eyes a multiple at you.

"Oxford?you mean like o x f o r d ?the elite school?the one that's in Thailand?"Suna gasps as he covers his mouth with his hands doing that trend in tiktok lol.

"Since when did Oxford go to Thailand what the fuck,who told you that"you laughed your ass out as you swear you are in the verge of crying.

"Wait,Atsumu told me he wanted to go to Oxford in Thailand"he scratches his head in confusion.

"It's in the United States you dumbass-and your friend tho"

Suna was just looking at you with blank expression,he shakes his head,"what's your gpa?"


Suna flinches as he turns around,putting his both arms at his mouth,pretending like he's having the biggest and worst problem in his life.

You once again laughed at his reaction.He was breathing so loud.

"Damn why you built like that"Suna says.

"damn why you react like that"you back him up.

"Bitch 6.0?what the fuck I'm like...li-like,2.8"He's still not looking at your eyes.

"I can't believe I'm hanging out with a dumb bitch like you"you tapped his shoulders,signaling him to be back at his position.

He chilled out a little,once and again comfortable smiles and surroundings were between the both of you.

Suna speaks up,his eyes were glued to the shining stars under both of you."imagine having a 6.0 gpa but not knowing what the moon is beautiful means"

"Bitch what would that suppose to mean?Your like a spaceship or what"

Suna mentally face palmed.He never knew he wanted to punch a girl in his whole life.

"Wait,I bought something.Wait here"he goes to the back of his car pulling out a paper bag.

He goes back and pulls out a lavender-colored rose.

"What is this?"You asked,accepting the rose with your two hands.

Your heart beating so fast again.

"Thank you for making my life enjoyable"He smiles at you softly which secretly melted the shit out of you.

You smiled back,admiring his face.

"What's more in that paper bag?"you asked,pointing argue half empty bag.

"Ohhhhh"Suna pulled out a glass jar together with a paper and pen.

"I saw this somewhere on tiktok and I really wanted to try these"Suna's words were in a hint of excitement.He was like a child waiting for his mother to get his ice cream.

He gives you one paper and pencil."I know this sounds fucking cringy as fuck but I saw this trend where you write something about each other so that the future selves will read it full of memories."

"But why me?"You asked suna.

Suna was about to write something but as soon as he hears your response,His grip of the pen his holding losses its strength.

"Just,nothing.I feel like it would be more fun if it's you."

You nodded,slightly trusting his words and you two were busy writing down.

After a whole past 30 minutes you finally dropped your pens.

"That was hard.So what did you Wrote?"you said as you lean over his paper.

Suna presses his paper at his chest,pouting at you."y/n it's suppose to be opened when we grow old "




"Promise me that will open this together when we reunite in the future"He pulled out a pinky finger.

You smiled,touched by his words as you thought,

Suna,I can't promise you that.

You linked your pinky on his as he smiled.

You both put your paper to the glass jar,securing it tightly with glue and one pack of scotch tape.

"Isn't that too muc-"

"No shut the fuck up it's for safety." suna cuts you off.

He digged a hole under a big tree that was outstanding to the others,which makes it more easy to locate-well,unless they don't cut these trees in the future.

He sighed,tired of the activity he did,he tosses the jar lightly at the hole and when he was about to bury it,You stopped him.

You put the rose he gave you together lying down with the secured jar.

"Well,see you at the future fella"


"Please leave me and my words alone y/n"



Not edited sorry for the boring ass chapter

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