Chapter 8: Sprits and Limits

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Thank you for the 200+ reads everyone 💕

I have a big box of tissues here. This chapter might be a tear jerker.

How would you start off a letter to your family after the week that you've had? Would you tell them the truth? Or would you lie about it as to not make them worry?

Kaito kept asking himself that as he looked at the blank piece of paper in front of him. He had so much that he wanted to tell his grandparents, but he didn't know what to put down. Tell them Kaito had met others like him? That sounded like a pretty fair start. That he might have made new friends? It would make the elders happy to know that he's settled in okay. But the so called "experiments"? That might freak them out. Kaito didn't want to send them to an early grave. He really didn't to make them worried, especially this soon. However, he didn't know if he can keep what had happened hidden from them forever. It was going to be hard for him. Maybe it'll be best to tell them after all, just remind them that he's okay.

Kaito kept dwelling on this. He hated being stuck in this spot. It was starting to knock him down a bit. He looked around at everyone. Rantaro and Tenko were the only two that were missing. Kaito didn't even need to ask why. He hadn't been back in the lab yet, but he knows that he will soon. He can't understand how everyone could be so normal with everything that goes on. Though, now that he thought about it, everyone had been here so long that it was normal to them. He was snapped out of it when he noticed Kiyo suddenly approaching him. Kaito couldn't help but feel a little tense. He hadn't spoken to Kiyo much during this first week. He needed to time to get used to the medium's powers.

"Hey, Kiyo. You need something?" He asked as calmly as he could.

"Does the name "Ichika" mean anything to you?" Kiyo asked.

"What?" Kaito whispered. That name...he knows it but...

"A woman named "Ichika" wants to talk to you." Kiyo explained.

"Stop it." Kaito said, feeling a horrible chill run through him. He felt his body shake.

"She has a message for you." Kiyo continued, unfazed by Kaito's clear discomfort.

"Stop it!" Kaito started to shout, feeling the colour drain from his face as he started to sweat. Was he getting cold or something?

"She said that it wasn't your fault. It was never your fault." Kiyo kept on going as if he were on automatic pilot.

"I SAID STOP IT!" Kaito suddenly yelled at the top of his lungs, standing up immediately. He stood up so that his chair went backwards, clattering to the ground. He felt everyone look at him. His body went into an automatic reflex. He didn't want the others to see him like this. Knowing that he's not "scheduled" to go back to his room, he dashed into the boy's bathroom that's adjoined to the Lounge Area. He didn't want anyone to see him looking so pathetic. He paced the bathroom, trying to calm down. However, as he tried to take deep breaths, Kiyo's words echoed in his head. That moment when he had reached his personal limit. There's no way that could've been real. It had to be some kind of sick joke. Nothing could calm him down as he remembered what he was told about Kiyo's powers again.the woman that spoke to him, the one trying to give Kaito a message from beyond the grave, could it really have been...?

"Kaito? Are you okay?" Shuichi asked carefully as he stepped into the bathroom.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Kaito tried to speak as calmly as he could, but he still heard the panic in his voice. How could he be this pathetic?

"No, you're not." Shuichi calmly stated. "You're as white as a sheet and sweating bullets."

"I'm just not a fan of...spirits and shit like that." Kaito sighed, giving in as he wiped the sweat off of his face. He needs to calm down.

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