Chapter 41: Still In Danger

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This chapter was a pain to write 😅

I think that I had writers block again for this chapter, but I hope you guys still like it.

As soon as Kaito woke up, the how house was filled with nothing, but happiness. Almost everyone was crying as soon as they saw Kaito walking down the stairs, albeit a bit wobbly after being in a catatonic state for so long. The second he was downstairs, Kaito was bombarded with hugs and kind words from those that he now called family. They brought him up to speed as to what had happened and how they all escaped. They asked him once if he knew what was happening the whole time he was unconscious, but he only said that his memory was fuzzy and he couldn't remember that much. He wasn't even sure if he remembered how he woke up in the first place. Maybe it was for the best. As much as it hurt for Maki to stay silent about what she said and did, she didn't want to seem selfish or become too emotional again. Besides, there were more important things to deal with.

No one realised how hungry they were until Kaito's grandmother started making a feast for them, with Kirumi assisting her. As much as the elder tried to convince Kirumi to rest, the Limitless insisted on helping out. The air was rich with fresh food being cooked. Everyone else spoke amongst themselves, sharing stories and telling jokes. Anything to pass the time and to finally leave behind the nightmares that have plagued them for far too long. It only helped a little, but at this point anything will do. Once the food was ready and laid out, no one hesitated with eating. They hadn't eaten anything since the Exisals kidnapped most of their group. They were so concerned with everything else, that eating was not something that came to mind.

"A toast to Kaito's miraculous recovery!" Rantaro declared lifting his glass of grape juice. Kaito couldn't avoid the attention as everyone agreed to Rantaro's words. He didn't see it as necessary but then again, he didn't know how much he truly scared everyone. Besides he wants to try to forget what happened if he can.

"That reminds me. Kaito, before you went unconscious, did White extract blood from you?" Ryoma suddenly asked. The room suddenly went silent. Kaito almost gagged as he remembered the lab and what had happened. He started shaking a little as the sound of the electro shocks rang in his ears. He barely heard someone asking him if he was okay. He felt like he was going to pass out. The only thing that snapped him out of it was when Maki gently placed a hand on his shoulder. He looked at her concerned face before giving her hand a reassuring squeeze.

"Not that I'm aware of. Why?" He spoke, surprised that his voice didn't waver as he spoke.

"After we know...White extracted some of our blood. He put it in a vial or glass or something and Junko drank it." Kaede answered, shuddering as she remembered the needle pricking her skin and how it filled up so easily with her blood.

"Yeah! Like she was some kind of vampire or some shit!" Miu chimed in, becoming paler as she recalled what had happened, with Kokichi nodding his head vigorously to agree with her.

"Why?" Shuichi asked before anyone else could.

"Good question." Kiyo muttered.

"Junko wasn't in the lab when I was there." Maki said just loud enough for everyone to hear. Junko wasn't there? She left with her tail between her legs it seemed. The only problem was is that she could be anywhere right now. And goodness knows if she is causing any problems for somebody else in Japan. If she was wise, she should stay under the radar and maybe even leave the country all together. But why would she need to consume blood? There was no reason for it, was there? It didn't make any sense.

Kaito didn't have much time to process his concern about Junko any further. There was suddenly a high pitched shriek that rattled the house. Everyone looked at Angie as she held her head in agony.

"Angie?! What's wrong?!" Himiko exclaimed as she and almost everyone else stood up in surprise. Angie didn't answer for a moment, whimpering as she felt a sharp pain in her head. It only took a few seconds until she heard someone's voice. Someone that was connecting to her through telepathy without mercy.

"She's coming!" Angie whimpered, her body shaking from the pain and fright she suddenly felt.

"What?! Who?!" Kaito's grandfather asked, his voice suddenly stronger than ever.

"Atua says that Junko is coming! She's just down the street!" Angie shrieked, her head feeling like it was going to split in half. Kaito didn't hesitate in running to the front of the house. He ignored how wobbly his body still was as he approached the window. He looked down the dimly lit street as best he could. He strained his eyes to look at his surroundings on the street. He could hear his heart pounding heavily in his chest, threatening to break out of his rib cage. His eyes focused to the end of the street where it was just light enough to see outlines of objects. And the outline of a person walking towards the direction of his house. Kaito desperately wanted to be a neighbour out on a walk, but it was quite late. No one should be out at this time. So that could only mean...

"Out! Out the back! Everyone out now!" Kaito barked, panic slowly building up inside him. Everyone leapt from where they sat and stood, instantly feeling more panic than they already had been. Ryoma had already rushed to the back and ran on ahead, wanting to make sure that there wasn't anything else that they need to be worried about.

"Mr and Mrs Momota? Please excuse Gonta." Gonta said, bowing apologetically. Before either elder could react, the giant scooped them both up in his arms to help them with running away. It was too dangerous to try to hide somewhere in the house. As soon as Kirumi reenforced the door with her webbing, she and Kaito followed everyone else out of the house. They abandoned everything in a desperate attempt to escape. The back door led out to a back alley that was mainly used to throw trash out and for it to be collected. Not that many people used it at night so it seemed to be a good enough escape route for now. Now everyone just needs to find somewhere safer to hide and plan everything out.

"I'll go on ahead. See if I can find somewhere safe to hide until we come up with a strategy." Ryoma declared, thinking the same thing as everyone else, before he ran on ahead. As Kaito checked over his grandparents when Gonta put them down, he couldn't help but wonder how on Earth Junko had found them. Before they abandoned the apartment building, Kaito did say that this was his home city, but he never gave away his address. Junko must have looked up his file at some point and instantly knew that this is where everyone would try to go to first. Trying not to dwell on that too much, Kaito gestured everyone to start following him to the end of the alley. With any luck, Junko will be trying to break into the front door of his house. If not, she'll be trying to find her way out the back. It'll give them a couple of minutes at least. Not that much time, but anything will do at this point.

"Okay. There's-" Ryoma started as he rushed back to the group. However, before he could finish-


Everyone's attention snapped towards the end of the alley. And standing right there, was Junko.

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