Chapter 1: Friends or Foes

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Welp. Here we are. Probably the most ambitious project I have ever done. I'm not going to drag this out any longer than it has to. Onto the story.

Anything in BOLD CAPITALS is texts from a phone.

It was just a normal school day. The weather was surprisingly decent in January decent, bright sunshine with a few clouds. The snow hadn't fallen yet today, but patches of snow laid upon the ground. A freezing cold breeze swept through the area, causing everyone to shiver. Students were just going about their day. Most were walking in and out of the building and others were sitting outside enjoying the good weather while they could. Kaito watched them almost enviously as he kept out of the wind where he was. He almost wished he was with them, just having normal friends. But at the same time, he was glad that they were avoiding him. He couldn't blame them. They had every right to. He used to terrorise them, being a typical, violent school bully. However, as he got older, he slowly started to learn that he wasn't going to be an astronaut if he was like that. He had slowly started to make amends, but the damage maybe too much beyond repair at this point. And, he hated himself for it.

Kaito coughed suddenly when he suddenly had smoke blowing in his face. As he heard laughter he glared at the perpetrators. Three boys were standing beside him. One had blue hair and blue eyes, one had red hair and brown eyes and the last had bright blonde hair and green eyes. They were all wearing the same uniform as him: dark blue jacket with gold buttons and matching slacks; a white button up shirt and white outdoor shoes. The only difference is that Kaito had his jacket and white button up undone, revealing a red shirt. Each boy were as burly looking as each other. They each held a lighted cigarette, smoking almost consuming the whole area they were in, along with the nauseating stench of nicotine.

"What the fuck?!" Kaito exclaimed, angry at the assault towards him, his breath becoming mist in the freezing air.

"Come on, Kaito. You've been here for ten minutes and not had a smoke. You need it to be a man." The boy with blonde hair smirked with a cigarette between his teeth, holding out the open pack of cigarettes towards Kaito. Kaito sneered and turned away, refusing to look at the pack. "Fine. Whatever. More for us."

"Look if you guys want to smoke, go ahead. Don't blame me if a teacher catches you or you get lung cancer." Kaito spoke sternly, glaring at each boy.

"That's bullshit and you know it." The blonde protested, getting up in Kaito's face. Kaito couldn't help but scrunch up his face in disgust. He hoped that the revolting smell wouldn't linger on him for the rest of the day.

"Let it go Bryce. It's clear that Kaito hasn't gone back to his old self yet." The redhead sighed, not wanting to put up with any conflict here. After glaring at Kaito for a few more seconds, Bryce finally stepping away.

"Whatever, so what we doing this weekend?" He grunted, jabbing his cigarette into the brickwork of the building.

"I know a dealer. I can get pot for us. Just need extra cash." The boy with blue hair huffed as he blew out smoke from his mouth.

"There's no way our parents would give us the money." Bryce sighed hopelessly as he lighted a fresh cigarette. He looked down at blue haired boy ash was kneeling down to reach for his bag. "You got any ideas, Gorou?"

"There's a corner shop with shit security. How about we just help ourselves to a healthy pay check?" The blue haired boy smirked, unzipping his bag. Out of curiosity, Kaito glanced down at it. He suddenly felt like his heart jumped to his mouth. In the now open bag, in full view of the world to see, was a gun. While the other boys smirked with anticipation, Kaito couldn't help but feel the urge to run away.

"What are you doing?! Do you wanna get caught?!" He hissed, checking to make sure no one else saw it.

"What are you? A pussy? Man up, Kaito!" Gorou groaned, not seeing the point to Kaito's warning.

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