Chapter 1

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"Pregnant?" You ask. "Are you sure?"

Your doctor chuckles. "Yes, you are pregnant."

You and Luke have been married for a year. You've been trying for a baby since the night you got married, but you haven't had any luck. That's why you were very shocked and thrilled to find out that you were finally pregnant. You feel yourself start to tear up. "Oh my god."

He hands you a tissue. "Congratulations Mrs. Hemmings. Too bad the husband couldn't be here for this."

"Yeah, sadly he couldn't make it due to work." You sigh.

"It's okay, on the bright side, now you get to go home and surprise him." He says.

You smile. "You're right. Thank you Dr. Griffin."

"No problem. The lady at the front desk will help you set up an appointment for a check up for the baby." He says.

You nod and smile and wipe the gel off of your stomach. "Thank you again." You say as you stand up.

"No problem. Have a nice day." He says.

"Thank you, you too." You smile and walk to the lady at the desk. She helps you make another appointment and you pay the co-pay.

You really hoped Luke could make it with you to the next appointment. If he couldn't, you'd understand. It isn't his fault 5 Seconds Of Summer are huge and people want new music. Okay maybe it's slightly his fault but you forgive him because he's happy and living out his dream.

You walk out of the building and walk to your car. You get in and buckle before starting it. You let it warm up a little because it's November and it's very chilly outside. You breathe into your hands, hoping your warm breath will warm your hands a little. As you do this, you think of ways to surprise Luke.

You come up with a few ideas but you wanted to do something huge. You wanted it to be unforgettable. I mean, you hoped it would be anyway because you're telling him that you're carrying his child, but still. You wanted a sweet moment to happen.

You thought about how he loves ice cream and thought of an idea. You were going to get a spoon engraved for him that tells him he's going to be a daddy and you're going to pick up some ice cream on the way home.

You go to a place and tell them what you want and then go to the grocery store and pick up
some ice cream while they worked on it. You went back after an hour to pay for it and pick it up.

Once you get home and see his car in the driveway you smile. You unbuckle and get out and go inside. "Luke?" You call out.

"In the living room." He yells back.

You go to the kitchen and wash the spoon quickly so it's clean and then put his favorite ice cream in a bowl. You stick the spoon in the ice cream and put it on the counter and make a bowl for yourself. "Come to the kitchen."

He gets up and walks to the kitchen and looks at the ice cream. "What's that for?"

You shrug and play it off. "I just thought it would be nice to pick you up a treat."

"Thank you." He says, sitting down on the stool in front of counter.

You smile and wait for him to notice. You watch as he eats his first scoop. "This is soooo good." He says.

"Good, I'm glad." You smile and stick a spoonful in your mouth.

He keeps eating the ice cream without noticing. You impatiently watch and start to get antsy. "How was your day?" He asks you.

"It was good. Really good actually." You tell him.

"Good." He smiles as he eats.

"What about you? Get a lot of work done?" You ask as you play with your ice cream.

"Yeah, we recorded a bunch and came up with an album name. Next week we're having a photo shoot." He says.

"Wow this album is coming along fast." You tell him.

He nods. "It's crazy."

You smile and eat your ice cream. You watch as he licks all the ice cream off the spoon and notices words. "What the.." he says and flips it around to read. He looks up at you, "are you for real right now? Like dead serious?"

"Yes. Dr. Griffin told me today and at first I didn't believe it but I'm so happy." You smile.

He smiles and runs around the counter to scoop you up answer twirl you around. "We're going to be parents." He says before putting you down.

"I know." You smile with tears in your eyes again, "it's finally happening."

He grabs your cheeks and pulls your face to his and kisses you passionately on the lips. "I love you so much." He says against your lips.

You smile and pull away. "I love you more than words can describe."

He smiles and kisses your forehead. "You know what made this better?"

"What?" You ask.

"The ice cream." He smiles.

You laugh and lightly push his arm. "Shut up."

He laughs. "What?"

"I should have known you were going to say that." You laugh.

"I love ice cream." He pouts.

"You are a child." You smile.

"Am not." He argues.

"Are too."

"Am not."

"Are too."

"You're a meanie." He says pretending to cry.

You roll your eyes and chuckle. "You're going to have to stop this when we have the baby."

"No," He says. "I can do whatever I want."

"Yeah yeah. We'll see about that." You say.

"You know what I want to do?" He asks.

"What?" You ask.

"You." He smirks.

"You're the worst." You laugh.

"But it's true." He laughs.

"Let's do it then." You say.

"Bet." He smirks.

"You did not just use teen slang Luke Hemmings." You say.

"Oh but I did Kaitlyn Hemmings." He smiles.

"What am I going to do with you?" You ask.

"Inappropriate things, I hope." He smirks.

You laugh and shake your head before both going up to the bedroom.

You secretly loved his childish and dirty mind, but you would never admit it to him.

You were just happy you were finally pregnant.


This book is the sequel to Lonely Hearts.

Book dedicated to LukesBitch96

Best Years - Luke Hemmings (sequel to Lonely Hearts)Where stories live. Discover now