❀ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞

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I. the boy who lived

 the boy who lived

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when arriving at hogwarts not only did celestia woke up to cedric being his loud self. but with a welcoming scent of chocolate. her parents insisted for her to go with cedric. she really didn't want to. she was awoken by cedric shaking her.

"Wake up , we are here." said cedric with a smile on his face.

"get your ugly hands off me first." celesia scoffed.

"my apologies, but you are going to want to wake up fully. you are going to have an exciting school year." cedric encouraged celestia.

"no, not really. I want to go home. with sydney. I miss her deserts." celestia faked wiping off a tear.

"stop being dramatic, I'll wait for you outside." cedric said leaving her alone in the train.

she groaned and stretch her body. she didn't want to come since cedric would always have the spotlight. but that was her in her first year. she doesn't care at this point. just when she was about to walk out of the compartment, she bumped into someone.

"watch it." said celestia leaving the poor boy afraid.

when she climbed off the train, she bumped into cedric's tall figure. "why am I always bumping into people",she thought.

"nice to know you actually got up." said cedric in front of her.

"nice to know you're still ugly as ever". celestia muttered.

cedric didn't listen to what she said and left his step sister all by herself. she saw multiple first years, she saw another weasley. a girl with puffy hair. and Harry Potter.
she didn't know he was coming so early. she quickly said hello to hagrid and left.

when she arrived at the school, she sat with her house. she was excited for new hufflepuffs. this is her 2nd year meaning the first time she would see other students getting selected for their houses. this was all new to her.

while she was daydreaming, mcgonagall came in with the first years. cedric was sitting beside her and hit her with his elbow.

"they are the same height as you." cedric said.

"fuck off cedric."

she payed attention back to mcgonagall. as the woman started saying a few words.

"All right, will you wait along here, please? Now, before we begin, Professor Dumbldedore would like to say a few words." said mcgonagall.

Dumbledore raises from the main table.

"I have a few start of term notices I wish to announce. The first years please note that the dark forest is strictly forbidden to all students. Also, our caretaker, Mr. Filch has asked me to remind you that the 3rd floor corridor on the right hand side is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a most painful death. Thank you." dumbledore said.

"When I call your name, you will come forth, I shall place the sorting hat on your head, and you will be sorted into your houses. Hermione Granger."

"Ah, right then...hmm...right. Okay...Gryffindor!!"

"Harry Potter."

everything goes silent. celestia was confused. she heard of his name but never payed attention to it. just when everyone got sorted, mcgonagall dings on a cup.

"Your attention please."

"Let the feast begin."

Food magically appears on all the tables, and the hall is filled with awe and chatter.

"ugh, finally food. I been waiting for this whole ride just for this." celestia said.

"woah there, you are acting like at home they don't give you food at home." Cedric said.

"they don't." celestia said biting off a bread.

the whole table stayed quiet. leaving off people in shocked.

"what? go back to eating. it's not like you guys don't care" said celestia.

in which everyone went back to eating.

they were finally released to go to the hufflepuff common room.

"alright goodnight people , time to never see you guys." said celestia sarcastically.

leaving everyone downstairs as she went up to her dorm that she shared with 4 other girls.

when she got to her bed, she didn't waste time and fell asleep.

omg hello 😏. I hope y'all like this chapter I know it sucks. but it shows more her relationship with Cedric.

𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐞 ↳ adrian pucey ( discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now