❀ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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VIII. wicked witch of the uk

 wicked witch of the uk

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during celestia's summer, she has written to the trio as well with lyra. she has been getting closer to them, ron wrote to her one day. he asked her if she wanted to come stay at his house. of course she said yes, but celestia still has to asked her parents.

the next morning she was scared that her parents wouldn't agree. she had to only hope for the best, celestia decided to asked them during breakfast. so when she went down, they were all sitting down at the dinning table.

"ahem." she faked coughed.

they all stopped what they were doing and look at her.

"I was wondering if I could stay at a friends house? since my summer is almost going to be over." she fidget with her fingers.

"absolutely not, who's is it anyway?" her mother asked.

"it's my friend Ron-"

"No there's going to be boys there. absolutely not young lady." amos said going back to reading the newspaper.

she turned to look at her mom if she could help her.

"you heard you're father, no means no." carolina said.

she turned to look at cedric to see it he could help her.

"I think you guys should let her go, I mean she's finally making friends." cedric suggested.

carolina and amos looked at each other.

"fine, you can go. but cedric can take you." said amos.

"Thank you!"


Fast forward, She met with Ron at diagon alley.

"So nice too see you ron!" Celestia said.

"so good to see you." said Ron.

"same here, oh how much you grown over the summer. where's Harry?" she asked.

"we are going to pick him up later, do you want to go to some shops then go home?" ron suggested.

"of course."

they walked around diagon alley. the duo went into some stores, one of their favorite store 4 quality quidditch supplies.as they were looking at the new brooms, Ron asked her something.

"You should play quidditch!" said Ron.

"I wish I could, my mum says is no women like and we have cedric who plays already." she said sadly.

"you should! probably better than cedric." ron said in which celestia thought of the idea but was interrupted by someone.

"celestia?" said someone behind her.

"Adrian?" she said.

"it's nice seeing you, you look great." adrian says.

"oh so I didn't look great before?" celestia smirked at him.

"Wait I meant like you looked great before not that you don't look great now-"

"Adrian i was just playing with you." she laughed.

"Adrikins are you done looking at your..stuff." said a voice celestia recognizes.

"oh celestia is so nice too see you." said alice.

"I guess me too" celestia mumbled into her breath, in the corner of her eye. she sees lyra with two girls coming their way.

"oh well we must be going, come on adrikins!" alice left the store with Adrian behind her.

"she's really annoying isn't she?" says lyra.

"she is, who's this?" celestia asked lyra.

"Celestia this is Dakota Zabini and Aalia varmar." lyra introduced the three girls.

"Hi, you guys just happened to meet the wicked witch of the west." said celestia.

"But instead of west more like uk." said aalia.

"Nice one babe!" said Dakota.

"don't do your couple stuff around celestia and I, it makes us feel lonely." said lyra.

Celestia sees Ron come into her view, signaling her if they could leave.

"I have to go but ill see you guys at Hogwarts!" she said as the other three girls said goodbye.


she left the girls and left the store with Ron. They decided to go home so Celestia would be more comfortable. Molly welcomed the girl home with open arms. she met the twins, percy and ginny. molly suggested for Celestia stay with Ginny.

"It's finally nice seeing a girl in this house besides mum and I." Ginny said.

"that's sweet, is it going to be your first year at hogwarts?" Celestia asked her.

"yes, what year are you in?" Ginny asked her.

"3rd year, do you have any boys in mind?" celestia asked jokingly.

Ginny blushed deep red as the girls talked for hours about their lives. It soon the sun went down, the girls went to sleep for the important day tomorrow.


Hii so you guys met the new characters. alice can choke 😃. anyways I hope you guys like this chapter!!

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