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XVII. fake boyfriend

 fake boyfriend

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"You have to be kidding me." said Samuel putting the blanket over his head.

"Get up now! Come on." said Celestia pushing it off him.

"Lyra! Wake up, it's past 2pm."

Celestia has spent her summer in her house with her family, yes she was still mad about the Cedric and Alice situation. Her dad side of the family came to visit, her favorite cousin came and destroyed her room. Literally, threw everything at the floor. She hit him after that, Lyra also came to visit her. Turns out lyra has a crush on Cedric for a while but is too afraid. But cedric is still with Alice, her parents are disappointed on him for bringing a girl to their home without knowing first.

They ended up kicking Alice out. Besides that drama, she has sent letters to Adrian telling him about her day and what she does. Celestia has also told him about the situation there was in her home, about Alice. He didn't seem to care about Alice anymore.

It was her father's birthday today, they were going to have a celebration just for him. Telling him he was such a great father! Celestia thought other wise. The party was going to start at 5 but the three teenagers went to sleep late. So now we are here, the three teenagers just waking up.

"Guys! Come on, it starts in 2 hours." said Celestia almost tripping over samuels shoe.

"Why do you care Celestia? Is like the old guy hates you anyways." said Lyra about to light up a cigarette.

Celestia grab it and threw it away.

"Not right now Lyra, I actually want my family to care about me" said Celestia fake smiling.

"You do realize I'm the only family member who cares about you." said Samuel standing up from the couch he was sleeping in.

"Yes I do realize that before Samu, but get ready. You two look ugly right now." Celestia left the room but heard Samuel yelled something at her.

"Fuck off, Cel!"

Celestia flipped them off as she went to go get ready for the "special celebration". When she got out of the restroom, she saw Cedric trying to sneak in Alice. They seemed to noticed as Celestia shook her head at their dumb actions. She went back to her room and saw nobody .Meaning lyra and Samuel have left to get ready.


You could say the party was boring. Cedric still had the spotlight even after sneaking in his "girlfriend". Celestia missed the trio, The weasleys went on vacation to visit their older sons. Charlie and Bill Weasley. So she couldn't spent her time with them, they would be back before school starts. Harry Potter has actually sent her letters about his family, and how they treat him.

𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐞 ↳ adrian pucey ( discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now