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XIX. Hogsmeade


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it's been a few weeks after the accident, news spread around. Her father was disappointed on her, Cedric became a better brother towards her. Actually ended his relationship with Alice. Cedric never left her side, Lyra was concerned about her. While she walked down the hallways, everyone would stare at her. Adrian was by her side, reassuring her it was going to be okay.

It was October now, well celestia thought so. Third years were able to go to hogsmeade, Harry wasn't able to go. She stayed with him, celestia didn't felt like going as well. Celestia didn't want to leave him by himself until Professor Lupin wanted to speak to Harry privately.

She left them and walked down the corridor to reach the stair case. Celestia heard voices, whispering.

"We have to break them up."A voice whispers.

"How? They are the most couple talked about." Someone whispered.

"You want Celestia right? So try to convince her, Adrian doesn't like her." It was voice, Alice.

"So you can be with Adrian, again?" Lukas said.

"Obviously. Here's the plan." Alice whispered to Lukas as Celestia turns the opposite way they were in.

As she ran, celestia didn't look where she was going until she bumped into someone. Someone she knew, her "fake boyfriend at the moment."

"Are you okay?" Adrian whispered into her ear, making her nervous.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She says as Adrian looks around his surroundings and grabs her arm to pull her into a broom closet. It was a dusty, dark room only a lightbulb hanging from the roof.

"Why are we here?" Celestia asked Adrian.

"I-I had to talk to you privately, Lukas and Alice are going to try to break us up. Which I think it's pretty hilarious, I found this room not that long ago. I thought it was pretty interesting, now more that I'm in here. It's smells pretty bad." Adrian says as he sees Celestia pinching her nose.

"So you dragged me to this broom closet... to talk privately? Can we go to hogsmeade? I'm starving." Celestia says as she rubs her belly.

"Oh, you're pregnant?" Adrian asked confused as he looked down at her stomach.

"No you bloody idiot, I was just saying I'm hungry. Let's go, I don't want to go alone."Celestia hits his shoulder softly.

𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐞 ↳ adrian pucey ( discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now