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XIV.poly juice potion

poly juice potion

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"You have to be joking." Celestia said crossing her arms as she stared at the girl in front of her.

"Well, im not. So are you ready?" Hermione asked her.

Hermione told her the potion was ready, it was an unexpected surprise from hermione. She has told celestia to grab a piece of hair of a random slytherin. Celestia had to get a hair from a slytherin just to be able to get in the slytherin common room.

"I'll see you tonight at the girls bathroom." Hermione whispers as she left the third year by herself.

She was deep into her thoughts when she didn't noticed Lyra was beside her.

"What's with you and the three musketeers."Lyra asked her raising a brow.

"Nothing, I have to go." says Celestia.

"You know you can trust me in anything right?" lyra asks.

She stayed quiet. Celestia wasnt sure if she should tell Lyra about the plan. The only way to enter the slytherin common room is by her.

"Fine, but you can't tell anyone." celestia starts explaining everything to her.


"Baby, why are you ignoring me?" says Alice.

We were both in the library studying.

"Alice, can you let me study in peace?" I glared at her.


I finally got to be calm and relax without her bothering me. Yes, she's my girlfriend because of pureblood status. I think it's stupid since we are basically cousins. I didn't want to be in this relationship, I wanted to be with someone else. Celestia. But how many times I tried to talk to her, she ignores me. Well, she does have a reason, because of Alice. Celestia doesn't want to hurt Alice's feelings. I would love for celestia to get in a fight with Alice. Wait, isn't that bad. Since she's my "girlfriend".

My thoughts were Interrupted when I felt a hand grip my thigh. I look up and see it was alice. She had a smirk on her face.

"Stop, Alice." I said.

She kept her hand there.

"I said stop! Don't you hear? Leave me alone." I said frustrated with her.

𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐞 ↳ adrian pucey ( discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now