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IX. idiots


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the next morning, celestia woke up and saw the girl laying down next to her. Ginny was in deep sleep, celestia went down to help Mrs.Weasley.

"Do you need any help, Mrs.Weasley?" celestia asked politely.

"Dear please call me Molly, Mrs.Weasley makes me feel old. And no darling, you can sit in the couch if you'll like, I'll be in the toilet. I would be back." Molly said.

the girl relaxed into the couch as she hears a few voices. she starts laughing silently, as molly comes back mad.

The boys nearly jump out of their skin. Molly stands in the doorway. Furious. She smiles sweetly at Harry. Celestia stands next to her, and Harry notices her.

"Where have you been! Harry, how wonderful to see you, dear. Beds empty. No note. Car gone. You could have died. You could have been seen. Of course, I don't blame you, Harry, dear." molly says to the four boys as celestia is trying to keep her laugh in.

"They were starving him, Mum. They put bars on his window." Ron explained to his angry mother.

"Well, you best hope I don't put bars on your window, Ronald Weasley. Come on, Harry, Celestia, time for a spot of breakfast." said molly.

as all the kids sat at the dinner table. celestia sat comfortable in silence as the twins started talking to her.

"How are things with Adrian?" Fred asked her.

celestia was drinking a cup of water as she was about to spit it out.

"the what now?" celestia asked confused on why they asked her such a weird question.

"Yeah, there was a rumor about how you and Adrian dated." said George.

"Well it's not true, Adrian has a girlfriend-"


"She's annoying."

"Can you guys let's me continue, as I was saying he has a girlfriend. Now if you let me continue my breakfast in silence,please?" she said.

"Mummy, have you seen my jumper." Ginny said coming down the stairs.

that made everyone look at her.

"Yes, dear. It was on the cat." molly responded.

Ginny then looked at Harry with wide eyes.

𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐞 ↳ adrian pucey ( discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now