❀ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

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III. "meet adrian pucey."

HALLOWEEN—when she was walking to her class, she wasn't worried about the situation anymore

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when she was walking to her class, she wasn't worried about the situation anymore. It's been months suprised she was when no one said anything. While she was thinking someone walked beside her.

"hey, that was a pretty good punch you got there." said someone next to her.

"oh thanks, learned from fighting my step brother all the time.but that was a month ago"celestia says.

"It doesn't matter it was funny, oh cedric? dont tell anyone but I think you're the better sibling anyways. my name is lyra joy, and you must be celestia." says Lyra.

"in the flesh."

"did you hear that Harry Potter is in the gryffindor team now?" Lyra asked her.

"oh really, is he good? because now I know who's Cedric competition now." says celestia.

both of the girls got closer and talked about everything. until someone came up to them.

"Hey lyra, who's this?" says a boy with a smile.

"Wel hello to you Adrian, Adrian this is Celestia. Celestia this is my annoying cousin." lyra introduces both.

"Pleasure to meet you." adrian says sticking his hand out for her to shake it.

"same I guess." she says shaking his hand.

"oh yeah sorry about the draco thing, I'm pretty sure he didn't mean it." adrian says.

"oh don't worry about it, at least I punched him as revenge. But I have to go eat dinner... I'll see you guys soon." she flashes them a sarcastic smile and walks away.

"wait do you maybe want to go to the game with me? so we can cheer on slytherin?" Lyra asked her.


she walks away until no sign of her. Lyra turns to Adrian who was smiling hard.

"Don't smile like that it's creppy." Lyra says to her cousin and leaving him alone.



"Are you out of your mind? Why were you talking to slytherins?" says cedric.

They were sitting at the great hall having dinner.

"So now you want to talk to me? No hello? Or how's your day been? cedric mind your own business literally not everything is about you." she says to him.

"Pathetic." he mumbled under his breath.

"I'm pathetic? I'm looking at pathetic." she says as she stares at him.

"TROLL! IN THE DUNGEON! T-TROOLLL IN THE DUNGEON!!" professor quirrell comes in yelling.

stops and there is utter silence all over the great hall.

"Thought you ought to know."

falls over in a dead faint.

The room is silent, and then everyone freaks, screaming and running.


Everyone stops.

"Everyone will please, not panic. Now, Prefects will lead their houses back to the dormitories. Teachers will follow me to the dungeons." Dumbledore says.

everyone quickly follow the prefects and go to the common room. Cedric turns to look at her.

"don't you dare look at me, Cedric diggory. I'm not in the mood." she says leaving to her dorm.


she went to eat breakfast, while she was eating. Lyra sat in front of her with her food as well. Celestia raised an eyebrow at her.

"What, we are friends now. And besides today's the game. Poor Harry, he's probably nervous since it's his first game." Lyra says.

"Yeah poor kid, met him the first day of school. He was lost and his friend too. Hopefully flint doesn't go to harsh on him." celestia says.

"Yeah hopefully adrian too.. talking about adrian. He's dead ass staring at you right now." lyra says.

"yeah I can feel his eyes staring into my back. Lyra your cousin is weird." Celestia says.

"oh I know that for sure. alright let's go come on. We don't want to miss the match." Lyra suggested.

Right when both were about to stand up, Adrian quickly come to the hufflepuff tables.

"Wait! Are you guys heading now?" adrian says.

"yeah, the match starts in 10 minutes." lyra says like if it was obvious.

"Oh okay... Celestia I was wondering if I could talk to you?" adrian asked her.

"Uh...um.. sure?"

"Great, I was wondering if-" Adrian was cutoff by someone. more like an annoying step-brother.

"Celestia, what did I tell you about talking to Slytherins." cedric says.

"cedric what did I tell you about not being in my business. Anyways continue adrian to what you were saying." Celestia says.

"oh okay I-" Adrian was cutoff again.

"celestia. now. let's go." cedric says.

"I think it's better if Celestia and I go to the match." lyra says quickly and grabs celestia's hand. they quickly made their way to the stands.

"That was scary"

"It sure was"


hello my loves, this chapter is low key bad but anyways hope you guys all like it!

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