❀ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐨

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II.New introductions

New introductions

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the next day celestia was late to her first class. she was used to cedric waking her up. so she hurriedly dressed in her hufflepuff robes and did her hair. she grabbed her book bag and left the common room. her first class was potions with snape. which she knew her house would get points taken off.

while she was running, she tripped.

"are you okay?" said someone behind her.

"yeah I'm fine, just in a hurry." celestia said.

"same here, well it was nice knowing you. I have to go to mcgonagall.", said the person running to the left.

"potter!weasley! you are going the wrong way.!", said celestia.

they run to the right and said a quick thank you. she made her way to class and stayed quiet. When she arrived at her destination. she was ready to be face with a serious Snape. nobody wants to face Snape anyways.

"nice to know you finally join us, Ms.Diggory." snape said.

"you should be grateful I actually came to class." she mumbled under her breath.

"What was that? 10 points from hufflepuff and you earned yourself detention after school. now sit down like the rest of your classmates." said Snape.

her house groaned, she really didn't meant to wake up late. she just wanted to sleep some extra minutes. she took a seat next to a slytherin. she heard the slytherin scoffed.

"well I don't want to sit here either." she said.

celestia sat next to the boy and began listening to the lesson. she was really bored, potions weren't exactly that great. the poor girl sat in the lesson for another hour bored out of her mind. She felt herself falling asleep, she closed her eyes just for a bit. celestia felt herself get hit, when she opened her eyes. the slytherin boy was looking at her.

"wake up, Snape is coming over here. he doesn't look that happy." said the guy beside her.

she fixed her posture and pretended to began reading her potions book. she sees in the corner of her eye that snape turns the other way. she releases a deep breath she had.

when she was done with two of her classes, she headed to the great hall to do homework. she sat at the hufflepuff table. once she arrived she sees her step brother flirting with someone. she sits down and pulls off her potions homework.

when she was doing homework she looks up and sees a first year gryffindor explode something. she let out a quiet laugh.

She looks up and sees her owl coming with mail. when her owl dropped something, she sees it was wrapped. there's a letter to it so she decides to read it.

dear c,

I hope you like this gift I send you, I gave your owl treats so don't worry. this might be useful during this school year. See you on your winter break. tell Cedric to respond to his mother. anyways bye, bye.


She opens the gift and sees a penknife. what is she going to use this for? She wrote a quick letter to sydney about everything going and how school is going. she was kinda disappointed since her own parents didn't send anything, but they did send cedric multiple stuff. But she shake it off and realize it was dumb. She decided to start to her next class, while she was walking to her class.

she felt someone pushed her. when she turns around she sees blonde hair. Draco malfoy and his friends laughing like some idiots they are.

"don't ever hit me, Malfoy." says celestia.

"or what? what are you going to do?" draco asks her.

she went for a full punch and ran for her life. not only she would get in trouble for hitting a student but a Malfoy. she hears a couple of slytherin girls laughing that Draco was punched by a hufflepuff.

she ran to the hufflepuff common room out of breath. cedric looks at her confused. everyone else went back to whatever they were doing. cedric goes to talk to her.

"you okay? what happened?" cedric asks her.

"ipuncheddracomalfoy." she says quickly.

"Sorry, can you repeat that again." cedric says.

"I punched Draco malfoy." celestia says.

he stays quiet then asks her something else.

"Why? why did you punch him."

"because he pushed me and was laughing."

then he starts laughing in which celestia was confused about.

"why are you laughing?" she asked him.

"because a first year pushed you, who is the same height as you." cedric said.

she left her step brother laughing on his own and went to her room. her next class is defense against the dark arts. she really didn't want to go. she didn't wanted to face the consequences.



hello, yeah I actually punched draco in his first year. anyways thank you for reading this. thanks for the feedback also it motivates me to write more about my adventures while shifting. anyways bye :).

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