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Andrew's POV

We rushed to the hospital.

As soon as we got there, we went to the receptionist asking for my son. "My son's here, Anthony Julius Barnes."

She typed on her computer for a second before giving us a room. We made it there in under 3 minutes, when we got there two police officers stood outside his door.

"How is he? What happened?"

"Oh shit, you're Andrew Barnes!" One of the officer said

I walked passed the officers going over to my son. I wanted to be strong for him but it was so hard looking at him hooked up to all these machines. I grabbed his little hand and a tear escaped my eye. "You gotta be strong for me. Okay? Daddy is right here. I won't let anything bad happen to you but you gotta fight. I love you son." Another tear fell, I felt a gentle hand on my back moving in small circles.

"Ah, you must be the father" I looked at the door as the doctor walked in. "I'm Dr. Graham, your son has suffered a head contusion and he has some internal bleeding, we need to do surgery as soon as possible. And since he has type O blood it would be best if you could donate some blood. Are you type O as well?"

"No I'm not" it hurt me to the core that I couldn't even help him when he needed me.

"I can donate"

I looked to the door seeing that piece of shit standing by the door. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

"What do you mean? I'm here cause this is my son"

My blood boiled hearing him said that. He has been MIA from Anthony's life since he was born. I had only seen him three times and neither times was he worried about his son.

"Everybody calm down." The doctor intervened "if you could donate some blood that would be really helpful. The nurse will get you set up to check your blood type before having you donate." The doctor left out to assist him.

"He got some nerve coming up here." I said. I was mad and taking my anger out on anyone and everyone. I wasn't really that mad that his father was there I was just mad at the situation and it was hard to have a clear head in that moment.

"We need to keep our focus on Anthony right now, him getting healthy is the most important thing."

Nurses came in to prep Anthony for surgery, while I stood outside talking to the police on what happened.

"There was a car accident and both drivers died instantly, you're son is really lucky to have came out of that. The car was split in two and he was unconscious when we found him."

I couldn't believe that Aysia was dead, I didn't believe it. Maybe she wasn't the one driving , there was a chance that it was someone else.

"Did they identify both drivers?" I asked

"Yea two young woman named Aysia Howard and Francine Waller. We believe that Aysia Howard was under the influence of drugs. Did you know about any drug abuse?"

"No I didn't"


I never would of thought Aysia would do drugs especially after what I went through. She used to yell at me almost everyday about that shit. And now she doing it around my son.

I wanted to be mad at her but it was hard, she was Anthony's mom and I had been so busy, I hadn't even noticed. I felt partly to blame for not being there for my son.


1 week later,

"I gotta go but if anything happens call Kam. Ima have Ralphy stop by later." I grabbed my duffle bag before going over to Christina, I gave Anthony a quick kiss on the forehead.

"We'll be fine. Go play ball, we'll be watching," Christina smiled.

I leaned in "give me kiss," I puckered my lips while she sat staring at sleeping Anthony before she smiled again looking at me this time before she gave me a kiss.

Anthony has been out of the hospital for three days now. After surgery they kept him for a few days to do extra testing. Now that he was home, he's been sleeping in our bed every night.

It had been a rough few days, having to explain to Anthony his mother was gone and having to adjust to having my son full time.

We had a small funeral for Aysia yesterday and it has been a lot to process. Anthony cried himself to sleep last night. As his father all I wanted to do is protect him and I feel like I failed.

Getting to the arena I tried shaking off all negative thoughts.

It was playoff season so everybody was really focused. It was the first game of the series and we were playing Orlando. They are known for their defense so this was definitely going to be a test.

After the first quarter we were down by 15 points. I was off my game tonight, none of my shots were following through. I sat at the end of the bench with a towel over my head.

I really needed to get it together. As much shit was going on in my life I never use to let it affect my game and it was starting to piss me off.

Luckily we still managed to win the game but with no help from me. Lebron carried the whole team this game, it was amazing watching him work..

"Good game man," I dabbed Lebron up as we walked to the locker room.

"Thanks, and keep your head up son. We all go through things sometimes, and it's ok to not be ok" He patted my back before walking over to his locker.

After taking a quick shower and packing up my things I headed out of the locker room headed to my car.

I decided I should see my therapist again after almost not needing her for an year and half. I also thought it might be good for Anthony too. He's been through a lot and if I can't be there for him, I at least want him to talk to someone. Shit it helped me.

My phone rang in my pocket, looking at it I seen My mother calling me. I picked up seeing Isaiah on the phone.  "Hey Zay" I spoke.

"Hey Bubba. We watched your game. You didn't do so well" I laughed a little bit at his honesty

"Yeah tonight was tough. Did you call me just to insult me?" I questioned half joking

He laughed like it was the funniest thing. "No, ma said we are going to Disney world and I wanted to know if Anthony could come?"

"You know he's little he can barely go on any of the rides"

"I know that" he said shyly. I could tell he wasn't telling me everything

"How come you want Anthony to come?  You got friends going or something? You trying to bring someone for Olivia?"

"Well I mean, yeah she's a baby. I don't want her to be all alone while I ride all the rides."

"You're a good big brother. You know that." I smiled being so proud of him.

"I am? I am!" He emphasized smiling big.

"Yeah of course Anthony can go with you guys but I'll call you later when I'm with him see how he's feeling. You know he was in a big accident so he has to be careful but you'll be there and I know you won't let anything happen to Anthony or your little sister. Isn't that right?"

"Right." He shouted

"Ok I'll talk  you later squirt, tell mom and dad I said hi"

"Ok bye love you"

"Love you too" I hung up opening my car door.
Throwing my bag in the back I heard someone call my name.

"Anthony Barnes" I noticed a guy in a suit walking to me.

"That's me. Who's asking?"

He handed me a manilla folder. "You've been served" I grabbed it before he walked off. I stood there dumbfounded before opening it.

You got be fucking kidding me.

I turned to my car punching the window, it broke shattering  all over my seats. I didn't care though


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