Chapter 1

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(A/N: Please note that all of these chapters were originally written for a different format, so they may seem a bit short)

I wake up, frustrated by the clanking of Peeta's dishes. I can't remember the last time I slept past eight AM. My bedroom is right above the bakery so only an old lady wouldn't be able to hear the excessive chatting of the crowds from here. I let a groan out into my pillow as I roll myself off the bed, onto the floor. I lie down there for a solid 10 minutes before finally mustering up the strength to get up.

Outside, the construction workers continue to rebuild District 12. It's been nearly seven years since the war has ended and things have finally been starting to look up for Peeta and I. District 12 is the only district left to rebuild. I'm happy to see that they aren't modernizing my home whatsoever. The Hob is getting rebuilt, and houses look the same. A certain something catches my eye: the Victor's Village is no more. In it's place lies normal, poor houses. Peeta and I live in a cute, humble apartment right above his bakery where he spends most of his time baking for his loyal customers. Seeing my husband so happy is definitely the spark in my life. He has been through so much and out of all of my close friends or family, Peeta deserves this happiness the most.

My closet is filled with leather pants, leather jackets, leather boots. I grab the closest outfit I can find and quickly put it on. The one thing that never changes is my father's jacket. In all honesty, I don't know why I have other jackets because I've never worn a different one before. I shut the wooden wardrobe's door and head over to Rye and Willow's room.

My children: Rye, two, and Willow, four, are probably the best things that have ever happened to Peeta and I. Everyday, I wake up thinking about how lucky I am to have been able to put two human beings into a safe and beautiful world. As I slowly open the door to their room, I notice no one is inside. Of course, the two early birds. They must already be with their father. I shut the door and make my way downstairs, half-jogging on my way.

There they are: all three of them. Peeta whisks a bowl of egg whites aggressively, try to create a creme and my kids giggle as they watch their strong father sweat. I laugh and quickly join them to say hello. It's 9am, prime hunting time and my personal favorite time of the day

- "Good morning my beautiful family," I kiss Rye on the cheek and he uses his blue knit sweater to smudge off the slobber, "how is everyone doing today?"

- "We're watching daddy bake! He says we can't help because we might hurt ourselves but we wouldn't. You tell him mommy! Tell him to let us help!" Willow pouts as Rye nods his head agreeing with her and giggling.

- "Now, now, you listen to your father... How will you play later on if you're hurt?"

- "You hear that darlings? Mommy agrees with me... And what mommy says, goes. Look, Ms Daniel's is over there, why don't you go talk to her?" Peeta points to an old lady sitting by herself at a small table in the corner of the room.

Willow jumps off the counter and helps Rye get down before they both run over to her.

- "Hello to my boy with the bread... how are you on this fine morning," I tease Peeta

- "I'm doing great," he replies kissing me on the cheek but not bothering to stop whipping his cream, "and where are you off to dressed liked that?"

- "Well you know me, this is prime hunting time and I'm excited!" I grab my bow and arrows as I walk towards the door.

- "Well, you have fun!"

The door clicks behind me. The fresh scent of pine trees fills my nostrils and I shut my eyes as I remember all the amazing memories I have had here. Then I shudder thinking of the friendship that was ruined horribly. Gale... I never want to see his face again! The war destroyed him and he destroyed me: practically killing my sister... I frown at my thoughts. I shake my head in order to restart my brain, swing my sheath of arrows over my shoulder and start to run towards the forest. There is no longer a fence trying to keep me away. I am free to do as a please and couldn't be happier.

I run for around 10 minutes so that I am deep enough into the woods that I can catch some valuable animals. I look around, quietly moving my feet and pacing myself in order to not scare away a good catch. Then, I see it: a deer. Bingo! Ever since the war, deer have been showing themselves much more than before. I slowly and quietly place an arrow on my bow and aim. The feelings of the arrow releasing from my bow is so freeing and exhilarating, and as I see it hit my target, I am still as proud as the first time I've ever hunted. I've scared away all the other animals however it doesn't matter, this hunt should last a good three days.

I walk over to the now dead deer and start to drag it back home. I know it will take a while but I'm excited to show Peeta. Rye and Willow obviously don't understand hunting yet but when they become old enough, I will teach them all my techniques. I open the door to the bakery with a huge smile on my face but as soon as I enter, I drop the deer at my feet and my smile turns into a shocked look... I can't believe who's standing before me, arguing with Peeta...


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