Chapter 6

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          Effie backed away towards the corner while I reflexively attempted to push Peeta behind me. Celestia smirked as she rolled her pants up and pulled out three throwing knives. My heart started to beat rapidly and my breathing quickened. I crouched down, trying not to show any panic while I frantically searched for any sort of weapon I could find.

The only thing I could find was a somewhat sharp stone on the cold floor. Effie started mumbling under her breath, I believe praying that all of us get out of here alive. I feel so bad for her... she and Cinna were the two people in the Capitol who deserved better, and they both got the worst. I got up and pulled out the rock. This was stupid and useless, I would never get out of here alive. All of a sudden, I noticed Peeta walking towards the right.

I looked into his eyes, trying to figure out what he was doing and I saw it. He's was walking towards a shelf where my bow and arrows were. I attempted to distract Celestia. Keeping her busy by walking around so her eyes stayed on me. As she was about to look at Peeta, I threw the rock at her head, which did absolutely nothing besides frazzling her.

"- Is that the best you got Katniss? That was absolutely pathetic. Your son's death was obviously for nothing.", she snorted, making my blood boil.

Before I could react, a knife was being thrown at me and I quickly ducked. She screeched in annoyance and unfortunately for me, I relaxed for a second. All of a sudden, I felt a sting in my arm and looked: her knife had landed right into my wrist. I moaned in pain, leaving her undistracted for a second.

No! Celestia turned to look to her right and there stood Peeta, grabbing the bow and arrows, getting ready to throw them at me. It all happened so fast, one second, Snow was taking her aim, and the next, Effie was pushing Peeta away, taking the stab for him. Peeta yelled in horror, as Effie slumped down in weakness. I grabbed the bow and arrows and attempted to take my aim, but before my arrow reached her, Celestia closed the door, running away like a coward.

A long silence filled the room as I stared at the arrow, launched into the wooden door. All of a sudden, I looked at Effie, Peeta was holding her, gently reassuring her. He gave me a look, and deep down, I knew that this was completely my fault. If I hadn't been so arrogant, if I had maybe just asked for help, then maybe my son wouldn't be dead and Effie wouldn't be slowly bleeding out. I bring chaos everywhere I go.

Effie's hand reached for Peeta's face and I sat down next to them. She whispered about how happy she was to meet us. She whispered about how proud she was of us. She whispered about how much of a better person she is now. She whispered about how much she loved Peeta, Willow, Rye and I. She closed her eyes, and she whispered, she told me, she promised, she would take good care of Rye. And then, Effie was no more. Her soul left her body and it was just Peeta and I, alone, once again.

I didn't feel anything, it was unreal, it didn't seem right. Effie had been with us since the first games. But as the tears started to spill down Peeta's cheeks, reality hit me like a truck. I started to shake uncontrollably. No. This was completely my fault. And so, Peeta would mourn, and I would be the strong one. I brought my husband into my arms and slowly ran by fingers through his hair, caressing his head. We just stood there for a while, not saying a word. But soon enough, it would come time to move along if we didn't want to die.

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