Chapter 16

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*this chapter takes place in Peeta's pov*

It's been two days since we got the news. The devastating fact that I couldn't change. The 6 words that broke my heart in two.

"We did everything we could sir"

Haymitch has been helping me cope and Katniss is still no where to be found. I often find myself worrying about Haymitch though, he seems to be going back to his old drinking habits, and I hope he will be back to normal soon. I know he's doing everything in his power to help me find Katniss, but we aren't getting anywhere, and I genuinely have no idea where she is.

-"New day, more searching, am I right?" Haymitch says, as he chugs a bottle of whiskey.

-"Haymitch put the bottle down, Katniss wouldn't want you drinking that. Besides, you won't be able to focus if you're half drunk."

-"Whatever kid, let's walk around the forest today, that seemd to be Katniss' happy place."

We grab our coats and head outside. It's chilly and the leaves have turned orange, fall is here. I smell the cool air, turning my nose slightly numb, and shove my hands in my pockets. We walk around the forest for a good hour, until I notice Katniss' red scarf. She was definitely around here the day of the explosion. We walk around for quite some time more before all of a sudden...


In the distance, I see another huge explosion taking place... where the arena used to be. Haymitch and I look at each other, and run.

I run fast and far, Hatmitch struggling to keep up with the whiskey still sitting in his stomach. We finally make it to the ruins of a completely destroyed, formerly recreated 75th games arena. The PTSD hits me hard, and quick. I recognize everything, and besides the obvious lack of water and equipment, the arena is practically the same.

Haymitch and I immediately start lifting dead trees and yell.




With every minute that passes, I get more nervous, but all of a sudden, I lift up a trees, and there lays Gale's dead body... along side with...


"Oh. My. God. Peeta I'm so sorry."

The tears immediately start streaming down, and there's no way in hell I'm able to stop them. I cradle Katniss' body in my arms, like a baby, as I beg for her to wake up, screaming at the top of my lungs that I love her. Haymitch kicks Gale's body over and over again, a sign of disrespect, and I wail in emotional pain, my heart shattering all over again.

All of a sudden, a feel someone looking at us. I carefully put Katniss's body down, grab hold of her weapons and prepare myself. I can immediately recognize Celestia's familiar, stupid face, out in the distance.

"Gale was useless and dumb anyways. Let the 77th Hunger Games begin."

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