Chapter 12

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*back in Katniss pov*

Once again, I manage to disappoint my husband. Instead of rushing towards my daughter to check on her condition, I find my legs betraying me as I run in the opposite direction. Peeta is too distracted by Willow to notice me run off into the woods. I run for hours, with no clue of my whereabouts, my hands turn stiff from the cold and my chest feels a constant pressure. I ignore the cramps all over my body until I am unable to control it.

I fall to my knees in the middle of god knows where, and cover my eyes with the palms of my hands. I choke out a sob and let myself feel my heart genuinely shatter. What was that I was saying about no one else dying a couple of hours ago? Yeah, that plan went awfully downhill. I let myself faceplant onto the grass, my palms still covering my eyes as I start to sob. My life keeps getting worse and worse but it seems like there is nothing I can do to stop it. I repeat the same things over and over, out loud, thinking perhaps the animals will learn English and comfort me.

- Why is everything going horribly...

- What do I have to do to fix my life?

- Is this life even worth fixing?

- I can't lose another child!

- How am I supposed to overcome this situation, I need someone to help me!

I feel an anxiety attack coming. My sobs become muffled as I start to struggle to breath. I start to feel nauseous as the forest starts to spin. My surrounding turn into little dots until I am not aware of where I am anymore. It feels like I am sleeping and there is nothing around me. I try to regain my strength by sitting up but it only makes things worse. I wave my arms around me in an attempt to figure out where I am but nothing seems to help.

I fall onto my back as I try to get my blood circulation to go through my head. This helps and I start to see clearly again. My breathing calms down as I talk to myself.

- Ok inhale and exhale Katniss.

- Inhale!

- Exhale!

- Yes that's it!

- Inhale!

- Exhale!

My exhaustion hits me like a stack of bricks as I realize that I've been running for hours, it's completely dark out, and when I left, the sun was already setting. The tears in my eyes start to either dry up or roll down the side of my head, because of my laying down position. I don't bother wiping them away. I feel my eyelids start to get drowsy and I mumble to myself in hopes that I'll be comforted and then, I doze off.

*3 hours later*

I wake in a jolt of surprise as I hear a loud, technological sound from all around me. And then, I see something very strange but very familiar start to form around me. Hundreds of relatively small circles start to come together to form a dome-shaped forcefield around me. Flashbacks from the last night of the second games flow through me and I experience yet another PTSD attack. First memories of Prim's death and now this? When will my suffering stop!

I start to scoot backwards, dirtying my hands with the forest soil, even though it won't help. I can't escape my doomed, depressing fate. As the last circle appears, completing the dome, I look around me and see him.

-"We meet again Katniss," Gale says, with a net in his hand.

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