Chapter 2

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         I stand there, shocked as both my husband and practically my worst enemy turn to look at me. As Gale starts to walk towards me, shaking Peeta's restraining arm off of him, I find myself backing towards the door like a coward. I shake my head as tears start to well up in my eyes, blurring my vision. And no, these tears weren't happy ones. I struggled as my shaking hand tried to find the door handle from behind me, attempting to make an escape. And that's when I heard it...


No... Willow... I quickly compose myself and let my hand fall by my side. I turn my head to the right hallway as Gale does the same. There stands Willow with a confused look on her face. Rye is playing with her fingers and giggling with slober coming out of his mouth. I sigh and tense up slightly, but not enough for them to notice. I pick up Rye as Peeta walks over to pick up Willow.

"- Who is he mommy?", Willow asks genuinely.

"- So you never told them about me Catnip, huh?", Gale says snarkily, almost answering Willow's question. His voice makes me shudder.

The name Catnip on his lips, which used to carry so much reassurance now makes me feel uncomfortable. It seems almost threatening. I motion Peeta to take Rye and Willow to the kitchen.

"Let's talk outside, Gale.", it has been awhile since I said his name out loud. I know for sure I don't like the feeling I'm getting.

I drag the deer to the kitchen and then turn around and walk outside, not checking if Gale is following. In all honesty, I'm hope he doesn't., but when I finally turn around to check, there he stands. I decide to take a seat on a tree trunk but Gale remains standing. A million thoughts are going through my mind. But one prominent word keeps popping up at the back of my head. Murderer.

" - What do you want? Why are you here", I ask, demanding answers.

" - Catnip, we used to be such good friends, and even practically lovers, I miss having you around... I miss us."

" - First of all, don't call me that it's Katniss."

" - Catnip...", he pleads, but I know he doesn't deserve my sympathy.

"It's Katniss. And I don't miss you having around. You MURDERED my sister. I don't care about your excuses. I couldn't care less about our former relationship. I want you out of here. And soon!"

" - Fine then. KATNISS. Why are you being like this? Are you ready to just throw our whole friendship away because of that stupid boy??? All he's good for his baking bread!", Gale rolls his eyes, his voice rising.

I slap him and glare at the piece of trash standing before me. How dare he?! After everything I've been through, I deserve this much. I can't help but notice how I can never be happy long enough for it to really last.

" - How dare you?! That's my husband you're talking about! The father of my children! You come to my house, Peeta's bakery, and decide to disrespect us?!"

" - You married and had kids with that twat??? OMYGOD! I feel like throwing up! What about us Katniss? What happened to us."

" - You destroyed our friendship the second you basically killed Prim. YOU'VE BEEN GONE FOR SEVEN YEARS!!! And now all of a sudden you're back!? What do you really want."

" - My wife just left me and I was hoping we could give our relationship another chance... Just like the good old days? It can be like nothing ever happened!"

I push Gale to the ground and start walking back toward the bakery.

" - Don't you ever come near me again! Guess what Gale: things did happen and I won't simply forget about them! I'm very happy in my life right now, leave me be and let me enjoy my peace! PS: I'm a goddamn married woman, I'm not looking for a relationship!"

I open the door and as the tiny bakery bell rings I hear Gale yell back to me about how much I'll regret this. I slam the door shut and stomp to the bathroom to wash up. I can see that Peeta wants answers so I tell him I'll explain everything to him once I get out of the shower.

Thirty minutes, one shower, and a lot of explaining to Peeta later, I am face to face with a very angry husband and two tiny kids who have no idea what's going on. I calm him down and just as I think everything is going to be fine, I notice Gale outside with someone who seems oddly familiar... She seems around the age of 20 but I can't put my finger on what about her rings a bell. Then all of a sudden I hear Peeta exclaim.


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