Chapter 3

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(A/N: please note: this chapter takes place 3 months later)

It's been three months since I last saw Gale. I can not believe that he was talking to Celestia Snow. That girl's grandfather practically created the games! He DESTROYED both Peeta and I. And now, Gale, who is a trashcan is working with her? At least that's what it looked like. Honestly, I would expect nothing less from him. Garbage, absolute garbage. My routine for the past three months have been the same. Wake up, hunt, cook food, watch over my kids, close the bakery off for Peeta, go to bed. It's been pretty normal and I'm hoping it stays that way. I don't need any surprises from Gale, but I know, at the back of my mind, that he is plotting something. His words rings loudly in my head: "You will regret this." I shiver at the thought. No Katniss, stop, everything is going to be fine. Oh great. Now I'm talking to myself.

This morning, when I woke up, Peeta was still in bed. It's Monday today, the only day the bakery is closed. I find myself relieved at the silence around the house. No glasses clinking, no customers talking, just Peeta, my children and I. I slowly tiptoe into Willow's room. I promised her I would bring her hunting with me for the the first time today.

"- Willow honey? Time to get up."

She mumbles sleepily and shoves her face into her pillow.

"- We're going hunting today remember?"


"- Now now, let's not get ahead of ourselves... You're still extremely young remember? I'm giving you a safe bow and arrow and we're only doing target practice today."

"- But mommy! That's no fun!"

"- Take it or leave it Willow, you're not old enough babe."

"Ugh, fine. I'm coming down"

I laugh to myself at my daughter's reaction. She's only four but she already wants to hunt. I see a lot of myself in her. Her personality isn't similar to Peeta's at all. She isn't good with words but she's rather ambitious and independent. I think that's a good thing? Either way, I'm excited to teach her the ways of the bow and arrow. She's my daughter after all, she needs to be an expert. I gather targets, my bow and arrows, and a smaller set of arrows with a bow for Willow. As we're about to leave, I notice Peeta coming down the stairs.

"- Hey, where are you two going this early in the morning... wearing hunting gear?"

"- I'm teaching Willow how to hunt. It's important for her growth."

"- Katniss what the hell??? She's four! She's way too young to be hunting! She's still my little baby, she couldn't harm a bug"

"- Don't be silly daddy! I hate bugs, I always kill the ones in my room. I'm the one who made mommy teach me anyways!"

"- But- i just..."

"- No buts Peeta! I'm teaching her and that's final... You can make us croissants for when we come back? Is Rye awake yet?"

"- Fine! And no he isn't, I heard his cute little snores. He probably won't be awake until you get back.

"- Alrighty, but if he is still sleeping when I'm back, I'm waking him. Anywho, bye love you!"

"- Love you too Katniss! And you Willow!"

I take Willow's hand and guide her towards my favorite part of the forest. It is there that I set up her targets. I teach her how to position her arrow, her hand placements, how to aim, and everything else that goes into hunting. I then back away and let her practice shooting, making sure to keep a safe distance in case anything goes wrong. At first, her arrows miss terribly but after a couple attempts, my baby girl really gets the hang of it! She has natural talent, just like her mother.

When I get home and Rye still isn't awake, I start to become skeptical and annoyed. Normally he is awake by this hour. I told Peeta I would be waking him when I get back, so that is exactly what I do. But when I go upstairs, he isn't in his room. That's when I notice it. The note:

"Ah, ah, ah Katniss. Didn't Gale tell you he'd be back? If you want your son safe, come alone to the old bunker in District 4. Signed C.S"

CELESTIA! I bite my tongue to prevent myself from screaming. Celestia said to come alone and that is exactly what I'll do. Anything to get my son back. She will regret this. I quietly suit up and creep out the door. As soon as I've run far away from the bakery to not be able to turn back, I realize I forgot to take the note with me... No- Peeta will see it!

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