Chapter 10

36 2 0

2 months later

Celestia POV:

"- Goddamnit Gale! Figure it out already, you've been working on finding their location for weeks, how long does it take?

- It's loading! Give me a second! Oh here it is! Oh. My. God. They're in the Capitol! How come I never thought to look there!

- Wow, and you wonder why Katniss didn't choose you... it's because there's nothing up there! Honestly where is your brain? You didn't look in the Capitol? Ugh, whatever, just give me their exact location."

The good for nothing idiot hands over a piece of paper with coordinates written on it. This is exactly what I need to continue with my master plan in ruining Katniss' life. Honestly, does Gale really think that Katniss will get back with him after this? Or even consider it? I'm working with a child. At least she was right about one thing: dumping Gale. No one would want to be with him...

"- You're not gonna hurt Katniss right? I still need her to get with me after this all ends.

- Yeah, yeah, I'm not stupid, unlike others in this room. Besides, how am I supposed to take everything from her if she's dead?

- Hey, I'm the only other person in this room! Are you dumb or something? There are not stupid people?"

Wow... this guy really doesn't understand the meaning of "throwing shade." Gosh, he needs serious help.

"- You know what, whatever Gale. What I meant doesn't matter. I need a bomb for my master plan to work. We all know you're good with those. Do you have any that could do big damage in a small area?

- Of course, I have all kinds of bombs! After all... I accidentally killed Prim with one. HAHAHAHA LOL.

- You know, I'm not a good person, but I don't think AcCidEntAlLy killing your crush's sister is something to laugh about?

- Pfffff, it's all in the past now, I'm pretty sure Katniss barely even cared anyways. Okay, let me find this bomb."

Gale goes through an endless stack of boxes. Has he ever even heard of organization? I honestly have 0 idea why I allowed this useless trashcan convince me to work with him. I would be much better off without him, and definitely way more efficient. Wait, honestly, why am I working with him? Oh well, unfortunately there's no going back now...


- No Gale. You are not on first name basis, let alone nickname. It's either Ms. Snow or boss to you.

- Geez, you're so over the top... Whatever BoSs...

- Now that's more like it. Now give me that bomb and get in the car, we're going to the Capitol."

Gale hands me the bomb and I put it in the trunk of our old, rusty car. It really needs to be scrapped but I can't afford anything else. We drive for around 3 hours before arriving at our destination.

"- So what are we here for anyways boss?

- God, does anything process in that brain of yours? We're here to plant the bomb obviously! Why else would we drive all the way to the Capitol?

- I dunno... maybe a road trip? That could have been fun...

- Your level of idiocy surprises me every single time you open your mouth. Just stay in the car Gale."

I walk over towards the back of Katniss' hideout house. This stupid tiny home took Gale ages to find... I plant the bomb and set the timer for one day. That should make sure it goes off before they find it. I laugh to myself on the inside before getting back in the car with my useless partner and driving away.

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