Chapter 11.5

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*this is a mini chapter which takes place in Willow pov during the bombing*

I skip along the rocks in the grass as mommy, daddy and I find our way back home. I wonder if my brother will be home today? Mommy says he's gone somewhere better and isn't coming back but I refuse to believe that. My brother wouldn't just abandon me. I hear mommy and daddy talking behind me but I don't pay attention. I play a game with myself: I need to make sure I only place my feet on the stepping stones, otherwise I will die. I jump from one gray plank to another, successfully making it to the door.

Time to find out whether my brother is home! As I twisted the door knob, all over a sudden, a high-pitched beep goes off in my ears. I have no idea what is happening: all I can hear is a loud explosion and my dad yelling. Then, I get a flying sensation. How come mommy never told me humans can fly? I feel my body being lifted up off the ground as I traverse across the front yard at a fast pace. My ears and nose turn cold from the gush of wind. Gray, disgusting smoke fills up around me and in mid air, I notice that some of the entry way is burning... what???

Then, all of a sudden, my back hits the ground with a large thud. In a state of shock, my eyes stay open, hearing the chaos around me and then everything goes black. I don't remember anything but out of nowhere, I hear the beeping of a hospital monitor... what is that sound?

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