Chapter 18- Epilogue Part 1

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*this chapter takes place in Katniss POV*

As I notice Peeta's slightly transparent body suddenly appearing in the clouds, I know immediately that he has passed on and is ready to live with my family, his children and I. I run over to him, with Rye in my arms and Willow trailing behind with the rest of my family. My dad is ready to finally be able to play his father role and set some boundaries for Peeta and I couldn't be happier.

As he "wakes up", he looks up at us, covering his mouth with his hands. I can tell immediately that he is thinking "I told you so." Peeta has always been the more hopeful person in this relationship, He always told me "there's a better place." I never believed it, because I believe that you should always see things the way they are, not bring false hope or make assumptions. Live in the present, not the future, but I suppose he was right all along, and is definitely allowed to throw it in my face.

Peeta and I hug each other, and I run my hands through his hair, consuming his scent, which I missed so much. I ask him how he died, knowing that he killed Celestia, as she arrived in heaven.

- "Wait how come Celestia is in heaven? And what happened to Gale?"

- "I'll tell you that story when we get home, for now, tell me how you got here?"

- "Well, I committed suicide..."

- "Peeta are you serious?! Why would you do that! You should have enjoyed the time you had left on Earth!"

- "Just stop Katniss! No I shouldn't have. I couldn't bear the thought that I had lost you. Besides, neither Haymitch or Effie was there instead of you. No one was waiting for me! No one needed me on Earth. But you, I know you did in heaven, and I believed. Look where that got me: right to you."

I don't know what to say to that, because it was completely true, but thankfully I don't have to reply. Haymitch and Effie start walking towards us. Effie's arms reached out, ready to hug Peeta, her face making her usual happy, near tears expression. Haymitch has his usual smirk on, but I can tell that he's proud. Surprise, surprise, he's holding a bottle of scotch, but he raises his bottle, reminding me of the interviews during the 75th Games. Their group hug makes me feel really nice inside, and I guide all of them back home, and Willow mounts Peeta's shoulder, tugging at his hair.

- "So Katniss... You ready to tell me how the hell Celestia made it to heaven?"

- "Damn, this story is gonna leave you shocked. Get ready for a hell of a ride..."

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