Chapter 11

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Katniss POV

         It has been around 2 months since Effie and Rye's death. The mourning period is over and at this point, everyone is coping in their own way. I spend my time taking care of Willow and keeping her busy, Peeta just bakes continuously and of course, typical Haymitch, has drowned his sorrows with alcohol. I'm starting to genuinely get worried about him, because I know, deep down, he cared for Effie. On top of that, Peeta and I totally shipped them together... but I suppose that dream never came true.

Everything has definitely calmed down. I haven't heard anything from neither Celestia, nor Gale, and it seems they have no clue where we are. I'm just hoping life stays that way, I'm sick of the people I love dying in front of me. I'm just so, very, tired.

On the daily, I take Willow to practice her aim. She needs to be just as good at archery as her mother, if not better. As such, today is no different.

-" Come on Willow, time to go! We don't want to stay in the forest past dark."

- "Can I come with you guys," Peeta asks.

- "Of course, but may I ask why?"

- " I need to pick a couple of berries for my pies and scones, we're completely out of them."

- "Alright, sure. Willow! Let's go! I'm serious, or we're not going hunting today."

- "I'm here, I'm here!" the tiny girl comes down, cutely dressed in her kid's hiking gear.

-"Finally, let's get going. You look adorable by the way!"

- "She doesn't look adorable, she looks badass!"

I give Peeta a typical disappointment stare.

-"Yeah mommy! I look badass."

-" No saying that word Willow, you're not old enough, now let's go."

I take my daughter by the hand as my husband, like the gentlemen he is, holds the door for us.

We step outside and I lead both Peeta, and Willow to the place we usually hunt. I step behind my daughter and place my hands on her arrow to adjust the placement. Peeta gathers berries from the dark green bushes around us and I try to cautiously keep my eye on him every now and then. No, I am not paranoid. I've seen my son, and one of my best friend's die in front of me. I'm not taking any more chances, nor am I making any rash decisions. From here on out, no one dies.

-"If you close your eyes while shooting your target, how do you expect to aim correctly?"

-" I don't know mommy, I can pray?"

-"Praying won't help you in this case. If you're in a fight to the death and seven people are running out you with weapons in their hands, are you gonna just close your eyes and hope?"

-"Katniss calm down! What is wrong with you? Our daughter is four."

-"I'm just saying that-"


-"You're right, I'm sorry Willow... just... don't close your eyes when you're looking at your target," my daughter's slight hesitation make me feel guilty as I quickly change the topic.

-"Peeta are you almost done with your berries? It's getting darker, we should get going before the sun sets."

Peeta picks one last berry than replies:

-"All set! Let's go!"

We arrive back home just as the sky turns into a golden color. My daughter let's go of my hand as start to walk home as Peeta helps me store the bow and arrows in the hole of a tree. I turn around just in time to see the bomb and yell before she steps onto the doorway and it sets off.

I see my daughter's tiny body get flung before my eyes as Peeta screams and runs towards her. Me on the other hand, I can't move. I feel my throat start to close up, my breathing quicken and my stomach turn. Memories of Prim's death and Peeta's experience with the forcefield come rushing back to me. The only thing I can think is: run.

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