Chapter 19- Epilogue Part 2

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*this chapter takes place in Celestia POV* *ps: don't come for me for getting my idea off of tiktok*

As soon as I close my eyes after looking at the Earth for the last time, I arrive before some strange gates. One side is white and the other is red. Immediately, I know that these are the gates to heaven and hell. But I ask myself, how come I didn't directly go to one place. Almost as if someone read my mind, a pop up, almost like a notification, appears in the air, telling me that I am both good and bad, therefore, the person I have wronged the most will decide my fate. I look at the list of people who have made it to hell, to see if I recognize names: Alma Coin: condemned to be a slave, in no position of power, President Coriolanus Snow, condemned to drink a full cup of his own poison every day, Gale Hawthorne, condemned to be Satana (Leader of Hell)'s trash can for all of eternity.

As I see my father's name, I notice myself almost hoping that I end up in hell, to be reunited with him, but I snap myself out of it. For once, I have to think of myself solely, and not about myself and my father. Gale's hellbound and punishment doesn't surprise me, he always has been a trash can, and although I despise Katniss and her family, no one deserves to end up with the king of idiots. I walk forward to a strange circle, and step up on it. All of a sudden, Katniss appears before me. Of course, she would be the person I have wronged the most.

-"Well, well, well Celestia, did Peeta kill you off?"

-"Yes as a matter of fact, he did, but I caused you enough suffering to satisfy me." I smirk at her.

-"Yes, but here you are, we both ended up in the same place, and my suffering is short lived. You have reunited me with my entire family from Earth, but you have also reunited me with those that have passed, like Prim, Finnick, Cinna, and more. So I guess your whole revenge plan didn't go so well..."

-"Whatever Katniss, you're gonna choose for me to go to hell, and then I will be reunited with my own family."

-"No, first of all, you won't. You're grandfather is the only person in hell. And second of all, why'd you do it? You know that your grandfather wasn't a good person. Why would you throw away your own life for him huh?"

-"Because! I loved him! Good person or not, he was a great person to me. He was who I looked up to... and you just had to take everything from me! My family, my career path, my future, my success, my home! Everything!"

-"No, you did that by yourself... when you decided against joining the revolution because you supported your grandpa so much!"

-"Well my grandfather needed some support, and I was his only relative left. I wasn't going to let him lay cold in his grave just because of a teenage girl."

-"So do you admit that you don't agree with him, that what he did was wrong, that we should have had a revolution."

-"It doesn't matter what I think! Coriolanus Snow's revenge is what counts, and I was the only person capable of that."

-"You don't agree do you?"

-"No damnit! Fine! I don't! Can this conversation be over already!"

Katniss takes one good look at me, presses a white button, and all of a sudden, I feel myself floating on a cloud. She sent me to heaven? Why would she do that... I look around myself, and see her, looking at me in the corner of her eyes, while talking to her family, with a smile on her face... Wow... she really is a good person, I think about talking to her, but before I can, multiple people lift me up, and I am reunited with my mother, father and the rest of my family... I guess villains really do have a happy ending, and I hope that Katniss has learnt, from this experience, that you should never, leave any Loose Ends.

Note from Serra: Thank you guys so much for reading this fanfiction and for making it until the end! I hope you enjoyed it and I wouldn't have continued without you! Love you all <3

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