Chapter 4

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         It has been around two hours since I left the bakery. I know exactly where to find Celestia: District 13. District 13 became a refuge for most of the people in the Capitol after the revolution. They obviously couldn't stay in their previous home since it was the basis of our new government so the only place they could go was the one practically abandoned district. I know Celestia would never make it so easy to just put a sign up that says "meet me here". She's trying to play with my mind and lead me into a trap but I won't allow it. Anyways, I found an abandoned motorcycle while walking and hopped on. Although I've never ridden one before, I do know how to ride a bike and I have found that it is not very different. Besides, it would take me way too long to get to 13 by foot.

I find myself going through hills, forests, creeks, mountains, and just blatantly unnecessary paths in hopes that Peeta won't find or catch up to me. I can't believe I was stupid enough to leave that note behind! I've survived the games, started a revolution, finished a war, yet I still make these kinds of stupid mistakes... While riding my bike, I've tipped over at least 7 times, whether it be on actual ground or water.

By now, my clothes are soaked, there are numerous holes in the fabric, and they're covered by soil. I look like an absolute mess. There is no time to rest! Not until I get my baby boy back! I take a look behind me to make sure that my set of bow and arrows are still on my bike. I sigh in relief as I notice them peaking out of my bag. After around 4 hours of riding, I decide to take a quick break by a 711. I buy myself a bag of chips and bottle of soda and ignore the water and apple I grabbed quietly before leaving the bakery.

I use the bathroom before heading back on the road. If I don't want Peeta to catch up with me I must keep moving. Three more falls, one more snack break and a long search through District 13 later, I finally find an abandoned building. I hop off my bike and find a note attached to the door. "Wow, I'm surprised 'catnip', looks like you really are smarter than you look. I don't think that will help you in this case though. Come on inside."

I aggressively kick open the door and hold my arrow in my bow, ready to aim and shoot at any second. Unfortunately, to my horror, as soon as I walk inside, I see my tiny son tied up with a gun to his head. There are tears welling up in his eyes, I notice multiple bruises and he has a busted lip. My eyes flare with rage. What have they done to him? I look around to find what I'm searching for, and there she is: Celestia. She is almost an exact copy of her grandfather. I nearly throw up at the sight of her.

- "Well, well, well Katniss. We finally meet.", Celestia laughs evilly.

- "What the hell Celestia? Leave my son out of this! Why are you working with that trash excuse of a man?"

- "Is that really a question 'girl on fire'? I take back what I said, you're actually dumber than you look. You took everything from me! My grandfather! My home! My friends! Every. Little. Thing."

- "Your grandfather was a horrible man who enjoyed seeing people suffer!"

- "He was misunderstood! You had no right to take him from me!", as soon as Celestia's voice raised, her bodyguard's grip around my son tightened and a lump formed in my throat.

- "You know what it's like to lose family! Let my son go! He hasn't done anything to you."

Celestia chuckles, as if what I'm proposing is absolutely ridiculous. But then she says:

- "You listen good Katniss. This is how it's going to work... You will drop the bow and arrows while my bodyguard over here," she points to her little tweedledee, "grabs them. You will then slowly walk towards me and allow yourself to me tied up. In exchange, my bodyguard over there," she points to tweedledumb, who points a gun at Rye's head, "while spare your child's life and bring him back to his father. Understood?"

I don't respond or nod whatsoever, I simply drop my weapon and start walking over towards Celestia. She giggles excitedly, and for some reason, I get a bad gut feeling. But I shake it off, now is not the time for nonsense. My son is in danger and I will stop at nothing to save him. After taking my weapons, Tweedledee starts to tie me up as I watch Tweedledumb removes the gun from my son's head and walks towards the exit. Celestia looks at me with a smirk on her face and laughs hysterically.

- "See that wasn't so hard was it?", she asks as I simply frown back at her.

- "Oh well that's not a pretty face."

Just as Tweedledee is about to open the door, I hear Snow say two words which make my heart sink.

- "Kill him."

- "No!"

I scream just before the gunshot rings through my ears and a loud thud hits the floor.

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