Chapter Two

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Hagrid gestured with one dustbin sized hand towards some small boats which were slowly creeping towards the shore and called, "No more'n four to a boat!"

Excitedly, Hermione stepped towards one of the vessels, glancing briefly behind her to check Draco was still following. As she carefully placed one foot into its hull, she noticed two boys already seated turn their heads towards her.

"Hello," she said, having now taken her seat and waiting for Draco to sit opposite her.

"Hi," the wild haired boy with round glasses replied with a smile. "I'm Harry and this is Ron," nodding his head towards the skinny red head.

Hermione's eyes widened but it was Draco who responded, "The rumours are true then? They've all been saying that Harry Potter was on the train. So it's you, is it?"

"Yes," said Harry, hesitantly.

"This is Hermione and my name's Malfoy, Draco Malfoy."

Ron gave a slight cough, which might have been hiding a snigger. Draco looked at him.

"Think my name's funny, do you? No need to ask who you are. My father told me all the Weasleys have red hair, freckles, and more children than they can afford."

He turned back to Harry. "You'll soon find out some wizarding families are much better than others, Potter. You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there."

He held out his hand to shake Harry's, but Harry didn't take it. "I think I can tell who the wrong sort are for myself, thanks," he said cooly.

Draco didn't go red, but a pink tinge appeared on his pale cheeks. He opened his mouth to retort, but Hermione got in there first, "Come on let's just enjoy the journey, shall we? We'll only get this first experience once!"

She smiled placatingly and, to her surprise, the boys all gave a slight nod; albeit turning to stubbornly stare in different directions.

Eventually the silent boat knocked against the grass mound leading up to Hogwarts. Hermione made a swift exit and began walking towards the castle entrance. She wasn't entirely sure what had just happened between the three boys but she was disheartened at the barbs they had made. Draco had seemed kind and thoughtful whilst on the train and she was beginning to worry that this school would be just like any other.

"Hermione... HERMIONE! Wait..." a voice heaved breathlessly from a few feet behind.

She paused.

"Why did you just run off like that?" Draco asked as he caught up with her.

"I didn't like how you were all talking to each other, it didn't seem very nice."

He looked at her perplexedly. "What do you mean? It's the truth, some wizarding families are better than others. I imagine yours are the same as mine, seeing as how well we've gotten on."

"The same as yours?" Hermione queried.

Draco frowned, his look of confidence fading. "Pure-blood?"

She shook her head.

"Oh," was all he said.

As they reached the grand oak doors, Draco briefly caught Hermione's eye. "Good luck with the sorting then."

And with that, they were swept away into the Entrance Hall.

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