Chapter Four

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It had been a few weeks of trying to find classes within Hogwarts and Hermione was still somewhat confused. Her rational mind had considered all staircase possibilities five times over, however, the stairs of the castle were, unfortunately, not logical.

On this particular morning Hermione was walking towards her Defence Against the Dark Arts class and feeling fairly confident she knew where to go when a hand grabbed the back of her cloak, pulling her roughly into a nearby alcove.

She quickly raised her wand and shouted, "Let me go!"

There was a ruffling of robes and a voice said, "Sorry, it's just me, um, Draco."

Hermione paused and decided to pocket her wand. "Oh, hello..."

"Yeah, um, I wasn't sure how else to get your attention."

"I imagine there are other ways than accosting a girl in the corridor," Hermione stated.

He shrugged. "I suppose, but you do know the position I'm in?"

"Do I?"

Of course, at this point, she knew his standing on certain wizarding opinions and values but she wasn't about to let him off easily.

"It's difficult to explain. Do you think we could meet in the library this evening?"

"Are you suggesting a clandestine arrangement, Malfoy?" she hoped the use of his surname would reinforce her annoyance at the whole conversation and, to her surprise, he gave her a confirming look.

"I... suppose. Will you be there, Granger?"

"Fine, what time?" Hermione asked.

"Does 8.00pm sound okay?

"Okay," she stated. "I'll see you there."

Draco shrugged as though he was doing her the favour and strolled casually towards his own destination.

Hermione huffed as she struggled to find her bearings again.

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