Chapter Fifty-Three

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Hermione walked hesitantly along the Hogwarts Express. Her hands trembled slightly with nerves as she approached the newly dedicated eighth year carriage. Harry and Ron had just seen her and Ginny off at Platform 9¾ and it had been an emotional separation. Hermione clung to their shoulders as they hugged, wishing they were coming with her.

Heart pounding mercilessly in her chest, she slid the compartment door open and every head whipped around to stare at the newcomer. In a moment of panic she raised her hand and wiggled it in an awkward wave.

A delicate snort drew her attention to the left, where four Slytherins were sat. Her gaze caught on Draco and she couldn't tear herself away from his storm grey eyes. He looked tired, but healthier than she had seen him for a long time. The corner of his mouth crept up into a small smile and she forgot how to breathe.

Taking a step backwards, she fell into Neville who had leapt up to greet her. She turned swiftly and let him lead her over to where he and Parvati were sitting.

"I'm so pleased you're here, Hermione," Neville grinned. "We thought there would only be two Gryffindor representatives for a while!"

Hermione glanced around to take note of her peers, there were just twelve in total: Ernie Macmillan, Hannah Abbott, and Megan Jones from Hufflepuff; Michael Corner and Lisa Turpin from Ravenclaw; Draco, Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott, and Pansy Parkinson from Slytherin; herself, Neville, and Parvati from Gryffindor.

"Not many of us chose to come back," Parvati commented quietly.


Parvati shook her head. "She couldn't face it, opted for distance learning through Owl Post instead."

The train hadn't been moving for long before Professor McGonagall swept into the carriage, clasping her hands together as she addressed them. "I know it's unusual for you to see me here, but I wanted to take a moment before arrival to welcome every single one of you.

"I can appreciate that settling back into life at Hogwarts might be a challenge, given what you have all been through this past year," the Headmistress looked at each of them in turn, grief filling her eyes. "We have decided, therefore, to unite you all into one House for your final year."

McGonagall paused, taking in their shocked expressions, before continuing, "This means you will be sharing a common room, as well as a table in the Great Hall. Of course, you might choose to sit with others for meals, that is your choice. Inter-House unity is something we would like to encourage between all students, and you twelve will be crucial to its success.

"When we arrive this evening, I recommend you head straight to your new common room and settle in. Get to know each other while I let the rest of the school know about the changes. We'll all look forward to seeing you in the morning."

As McGonagall left the carriage, Hermione, Neville, and Parvati exchanged looks. It was going to be an interesting year.

The eighth-year common room was cosy and peaceful. The colour palate included elements of all House colours but they were toned down and interspersed with neutral hues. One side of the room was dedicated to studying and housed a long wooden table and chairs placed in front of ornate bookshelves. The other side presented the students with numerous comfy sofas and armchairs laid out in a semi-circle before a red brick fireplace. To the centre of the back wall stood a small staircase that led to bedrooms and bathrooms.

An uncomfortable silence descended upon the group as no one was entirely certain about how to begin their journey towards 'Inter-House Unity'.

"Right," said Blaise, stepping to the front of the crowd. "This is incredibly awkward and the only thing I can think of to ease our collective pain is to play Truth or Dare, get ragingly drunk, and completely embarrass ourselves. Who's up for it?"

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