Chapter Sixty-Four

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"I'm really not sure about this..." Hermione protested as Ginny fussed around her.

"You look beautiful," the redhead chided, swatting her friend's hand away from attempting to touch her hair.

Much to Ginny's chagrin, Hermione had refused to go dress shopping for their Graduation Ceremony until N.E.W.T. grades arrived, convinced that it would be bad luck to tempt fate in such a way. Fortunately she had achieved an 'Outstanding' in every subject, and they had ventured into Hogsmeade immediately.

Now, as Ginny attempted to soothe her concerns, Hermione was fretting about the dress she had chosen in a moment of nostalgia for the Yule Ball. It was a floor-length, periwinkle blue, satin gown with a fitted V-neck bodice, supported by spaghetti straps that crisscrossed across an open back.

"It's too low cut," she moaned. "Why did I let you persuade me this was a good idea?"

"Because it looks amazing!" Ginny retorted, taking a step back to admire her work. "Now, stop whining, Malfoy's already waiting for you downstairs."

Hermione's look of confusion was ignored. "He's early, the ceremony doesn't start for – "

Ginny gestured towards the door and pushed her out.

As she walked into the common room, Draco stood quickly, his eyes roaming languidly up and down. "Merlin," he breathed. "You're perfect."

Hermione flushed and offered her own appreciative gaze. He wore a crisply pressed suit that was such a deep emerald green it matched the black shirt and tie impeccably.

"You're not so bad yourself, Malfoy," she replied, aware this was a complete understatement.

"Just for you, Granger," he drawled, then straightened up. "Right, before we head to the Great Hall, I've got something to show you."

She glared at him suspiciously, he looked far too pleased with himself for this to be a surprise she would enjoy. "I swear to Salazar, if you've sabotaged another one of my decorations because you decided they didn't go with your outfit – "

Draco smirked and grabbed her hand, steering her out into the corridor and towards the staircase. "Oh, how you wound me with your accusations."

They eventually rounded a corner near the library and Hermione slowed as two adults came into view. The couple wore Muggle clothing but, glancing at Draco, he didn't seem to have taken any notice. As they got closer, her heart began to flutter.

Hermione stopped abruptly.

Her knees buckled.

It couldn't be?

Hermione turned wide-eyed to Draco who, watching carefully, nudged her gently forward. "What – "

A painfully familiar voice called out her name as though it were a question, and that was all Hermione needed to hear.

She stumbled slightly, righted herself, and flew down the corridor, her footsteps ricocheting loudly off the stone walls.

Jean Granger threw her arms around Hermione as Richard gripped her shoulders tightly.

"Oh my God, mum, dad," her voice broke.

When the three of them pulled apart, she suddenly felt inexplicably nervous. Having never allowed herself the luxury of imagining this moment, Hermione wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry. Question after question pounded mercilessly against her brain, but all she could do was stare mutely at her parents. They looked at her as though they understood.

"What – I don't – how are you here?" she spluttered eventually.

Jean smiled at her before turning sharply to Draco. "You really told her absolutely nothing?"

"I thought it would be a nice surprise?" he offered, a faint blush creeping across his cheekbones.

Hermione stared at Draco incredulously and her expression grew almost comical as she watched her father pat him fondly on the shoulder. "Word of wisdom," he murmured, "Granger women tend not to appreciate surprises, particularly of this magnitude." Draco nodded solemnly.

"Could someone please explain?"

"Sweetheart," Jean said, looking aimlessly up and down the corridor, "I wonder whether we ought to be seated for this."

Draco tipped his head towards an empty classroom and, upon entering, summoned four chairs for the group.

Aware of the limited time available to them, Hermione had to be content with a brief overview until after the Graduation Ceremony.

Draco and her parents explained how, following the inter-House Quidditch match, Narcissa had approached Shacklebolt with a number of rare tomes on Memory Charms from the Malfoy Manor Library. The Minister agreed that Patrick could study the books and make use of any information he deemed safe.

As a result, the work with her parents intensified to a point where they were left constantly drained and exhausted. However, as fragments of their memory were finally beginning to return, they carried on, desperate to remember more of their daughter.

"Once it became clear that we were nearing the end of our treatment, but not entirely ready to see you again Hermione, Patrick thought we should come back to England and spend time with someone who knows you well." Richard nodded in Draco's direction.

"So, we've been staying at the Manor for the last ten days," Jean said, continuing the narrative. "Draco has been popping in when he can to fill any gaps we've been missing."

A pensive silence swelled around them before Hermione asked quietly, "Are you - are you angry with me?"

"We were," her mother started, "when we first found out." Richard squeezed his wife's hand and continued for her, "But after we spoke with Narcissa and Draco here, we understood. It took us a while, but we did."

Hot tears had begun trailing down Hermione's cheeks as her parents spoke, Draco gently ran his thumb across her wet skin. "I'm so sorry," she choked. "It was the hardest decision of my life, I just wanted to keep you safe."

Richard smiled sadly. "We know love, we just wish you would have spoken to us first; there might have been other options."

A pulse of light and the quiet chime of a bell interrupted their conversation. Draco apologised, explaining that he had used his wand as an alarm. "We've got to get going, Gra – Hermione."

She looked tentatively at her parents. "You're staying, aren't you?"

"Of course we are," Jean replied, pulling her daughter close. "We'll be at the front."

The four of them left the classroom and made their way towards the Great Hall. Hermione was in the middle of providing yet another fact about the castle when two boys raced towards them.

"Merlin," Ron gasped, leaning heavily on his knees. "We've been looking everywhere for you."

"McGonagall's in a flap, wondering what's happened to you both." Harry added, glancing briefly at the two extra adults present.

Hermione checked the time and frowned. "We're not late."

"Well, you're always early - of course she's going to be worried about her favourite pupil." She rolled her eyes at Ron who had begun herding them down the corridor. "Just come on, she's going to have an aneurysm at this rate."

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