Chapter Sixty-Two

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Hermione and Narcissa ended up missing much of the Quidditch match as they talked and she couldn't quite believe it when Narcissa promised to look into whether there was anything more that could be done for her parents.

When they eventually turned to the game ahead of them, they saw Draco hurtle towards the ground in a perilously fast dive, the third year Seeker trailing hesitantly behind. Jerking suddenly to the left, Draco leant forward, hand outstretched. Hermione gasped as he appeared to wobble slightly, before righting himself and just managing to close his fingers around the small, struggling Snitch.

The entire school erupted into raucous applause as Draco held up his hand and flew slowly back down to the ground. It was an almost perfect end to the match - although the third years had come second, they had still beaten the eighth years in terms of number of goals scored.

Draco quickly became surrounded by a crowd of people, all eager for a glimpse of gold. Leaning against his broom, and looking far too attractive for his own good, Hermione couldn't resist hopping down from the stands to go and congratulate him.

The moment he saw her, he stepped forward and cupped her face with his hands, brushing small circles along her soft skin. She was surprised when he quickly lowered his head to capture her lips with his.

"Well done," she murmured, leaning against him.

The group of eighth years nearby paid no attention, already aware of their relationship, but Hermione noticed a few glances and whispered comments from other students as they filed out back towards the castle.

She caught Ginny's eye who, frowning, walked over. "Did you hear what they were saying?"

Hermione nodded as she turned to her friend. "Apparently they're querying whether I really am 'the brightest witch' for being with Draco."

"I heard them mention that Malfoy's using you in an attempt to rebuild his social status," Ginny added.

Draco came up behind Hermione, wrapping his arms around her waist. "Damn it, Granger," he smirked, "I had hoped you wouldn't find out so soon."

Ginny snorted. "You could have made it a lot easier on yourself if you'd chosen a less challenging witch to improve your status."

He laughed, nodding solemnly, and exhaled a long-suffering sigh. Hermione glowered at both of them, elbowing Draco in the chest for good measure.

"It's just so frustrating," she lamented. "They were cheering your win not twenty minutes ago!"

Draco shrugged. "It doesn't matter, they'll get bored and move onto something else in a day or two."

"Hopefully," she muttered.

"Oh, I forgot to mention," Ginny piped up again. "I'm meeting Harry in Hogsmeade tomorrow and he asked whether you two want to join us for a drink?"

Draco tried, but failed, to hide his grimace. "How did you know that was exactly how I hoped to spend my weekend?"

Th redhead smiled sardonically.

"Yes, we would love to," Hermione said, ignoring the glare he sent her way.

"Great," Ginny replied and, as she walked away, called quickly over her shoulder, "Ron's coming by the way."

Draco groaned. "Fucking fantastic."

The next morning was unseasonably cold. Hermione and Draco braced themselves against the biting wind as they walked into Hogsmeade. Despite the heat of Draco's arm around her, and the numerous Warming Charms they had cast, she was still shivering.

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