Chapter Sixty

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"What was that for, Granger?" Draco breathed against her neck as he dropped Hermione onto his bed.

She grappled with his shirt and, tearing buttons off in her haste to rid him of such cumbersome material, moaned, "I missed you."

With a wave of his wand, he smirked and rendered them both entirely naked.

"I need to learn that," she muttered before gasping as he caught her jaw between his hands and kissed her urgently.

Draco caressed her breasts, twisting and pulling her nipples until she moaned into his mouth. She could feel his erection, hot and heavy between them, as he left a trail of wet kisses across her skin.

With a final pinch to her nipple, he slid one hand down between her legs and grazed her slick folds. "You're so fucking wet," he groaned, circling his thumb across her clit.

Hermione's hips bucked as he slipped two fingers inside her and pumped them slowly in and out. "Stop teasing," she moaned.

He chuckled, continuing his ministrations and ignoring her need. Frustrated, she clenched her thighs and rolled them over, straddling Draco as he lay on his back, eyes glazed with lust and pupils blown.

Taking his length in her hand, she stroked him and savoured the low groan that erupted from his throat. Hermione lined him up with her entrance as his hands gripped her hips. They both moaned as the tip sunk into her slick heat. With a choking sound, Draco pushed forwards, filling her in a single thrust.

Hips rising and falling slowly, Hermione panted, enjoying every inch of him. She relished the thought of being in control of his pleasure; lifting herself almost entirely off him, before sliding back down.

"Who's teasing now, Granger," Draco growled as she rocked leisurely back and forth.

His grip on her hips tightened suddenly and he thrust into her, choosing to set his own pace, hard and fast. She whined and raked her nails across his chest.

There was still a small part of her that hoped their Silencing Charms were holding strong, but the rest of her didn't care. In that moment, all she cared about was the coiling heat inside her, building each time he fucked into her.

She cried out as her climax arrived: breath quick and shallow, walls clenching. It had been such a long time since they had been together like this and she swore her vision went white for a moment.

Her body convulsing around him was too much to bear, he pound relentlessly into her until she felt him tense suddenly. "Fuck – I can't," he groaned, "I'm going to – "

"Please," she whimpered, core still pulsing. "Draco, I need you to."

The cry of his name and her arching back is what did it for him, every muscle in his body tightened as he spilled into her. He crushed his body to her, breathing laboured, as she stroked his chest.

"I love you," they whispered to each other, "so much."

The next morning, she awoke warm in Draco's arms. Neither of them had suffered from nightmares. Hermione felt him stir behind her, his hard length pressing against her back.

"You are insatiable," she laughed as he pushed his hips forward.

His breath was hot and tickled the nape of her neck, "It's the morning."

A series of loud knocks interrupted them and Blaise yelled, "Get your asses down here, it's our final planning meeting before the inter-House event."

They heard footsteps echoing down the corridor as Draco growled, "That is absolutely not how I hoped to be spending my morning."

Having gotten ready quickly, Hermione smiled as they walked down the stairs into the living area, taking in the table of eighth years laughing and joking together.

"So, the inter-House Quidditch match is set for the week after next," Blaise announced. "Every year has had their try-outs now, and we've got a good representation from each House."

A sense of excitement swelled throughout the common room. Hermione was surprised that Blaise and Pansy of all people had taken the lead in event planning, but they had done a particularly good job at encouraging unity between all students.

"What else is there for us to think about?" Ernie asked.

"We need to decide the colours for each team," Pansy said, checking through her notes. "Does anyone have any ideas?"

After a thoughtful silence, Hermione mused, "Would silver and gold work?"

Draco squeezed her hand as the rest of the table nodded their approval. Pansy summoned a quill and made another note. "We also need a rough estimation of numbers," she said. "So if you could all write down any guests who will be attending, that would be great."

As the parchment was placed in front of them, Hermione and Draco both stilled. The list contained names of mainly parents and other family members. It was, understandably, a sore subject for each of them.

Noticing Hermione's hesitation, Draco murmured, "They're going to have a separate area for Muggles, Granger; your parents can come."

She shook her head, she hadn't told him anything about what she had done, not wanting him to bear any more pain than he already did.

"I'll explain later," she promised, pushing the parchment away.

That evening, when the eighth years were busy working, gossiping, or playing Exploding Snap, Hermione slipped away unnoticed from the common room and made her way to the Headmistress's Office.

"Harmony," she murmured, and the Gargoyle spread its wings, revealing a small stone staircase.

"Miss Granger" a voice called from above her. "I wasn't expecting to see you this evening."

Professor McGonagall gestured towards the seat in front of her desk as Hermione walked into the large, circular room.

"I'm sorry to intrude so late."

McGonagall smiled and shook her head, "I am always available to see you, you know that. Now, what can I do for you?"

Steeling herself, Hermione said, "This is a big ask but, well, the students are inviting their families to the inter-House Quidditch game and I thought that perhaps... perhaps Narcissa Malfoy could be invited?"

"Miss Granger, I – "

"I appreciate that she is on house arrest but, with approval from the Ministry, she could be allowed to attend for the day. I can't imagine that there is a better way to demonstrate our desire for unity and forgiveness?"

Although Professor McGonagall's eyes didn't twinkle in quite the same way as Dumbledore's used to, there was certainly a sparkle present tonight. "You have presented a credible case," she said, "and I will speak to Kingsley immediately. Time is of the essence here, I believe."

Hermione's smile didn't fade for a long time after that.

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