Chapter Sixty-Three

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The months seemed to pass rapidly after the inter-House Quidditch match. The bitterly cold winds of February melted into March and flowers began rearing their heads again. By the time May merged with June, the dull mornings had transformed to ones of light and warmth.

Unfortunately, these changes also signalled the beginning of exam season which, for seventh and eighth years, meant preparing for N.E.W.T.s. Renowned for being the most challenging exams a witch or wizard could take, Hermione and Draco had seven each to sit.

Draco sorely hoped that, whatever career Hermione ultimately decided to pursue, she would never again have to take an exam once these were over. Her usual academic neuroticism had increased tenfold and he was certain he'd developed whiplash as a result of her abrupt mood swings. He tried to ease her burden by providing an endless supply of tea and sugar quills.

Alongside the pressures of revision, Draco was also awaiting the outcome of his probation period. Despite her exhaustion, Hermione stayed up with him night after night as he relived every moment of eighth year; wondering what might count for or against him.

Their final exam was particularly long and arduous - Professor Vector had set five complex Arithmancy questions. The heat from outside had seeped into the usually cool Great Hall and beads of sweat trickled down Hermione's face. She could feel coils of hair spring free from her bun as she moved her quill feverishly across the parchment. As the ten-minute warning was announced, she grit her teeth to get through the throbbing pain in her hand and wrote a final five inches.

When the bell reverberated, calling the exam to a close, Hermione felt a sense of melancholy wash over her. This would be the last time she ever sat in the Hall to take an exam. In fact, she would soon cease to be a student of Hogwarts at all.

Draco was waiting for her in the Entrance Hall with a somewhat dazed expression across his face. "How did you find it?" she asked.

He shuddered. "Well, let's just say that it's a good thing I have no burning desire to become an Arithmancer."

Opening her mouth to begin reviewing each question, Draco quickly grabbed her hand and pulled her out into the sunlit grounds. "Granger," he implored, "I love you, I really do, but please can we not go over every single detail, just this once."

Her brow furrowed in confusion and Draco sighed. "Let's talk about it over dinner instead?" he suggested. When she beamed in response, he knew why it was that he could never refuse her anything.

The cloudless sky housed a white summer sun and Hermione's skin tingled pleasantly as it absorbed the afternoon warmth.

"Where are we going?" she asked as Draco steered her across the grass.

"Just down to the lake. I thought we could relax and bask in the knowledge of finishing our formal education."

She hummed appreciatively. "I guess we do deserve a break."

Having chosen a quiet spot, they lay facing each other and listened to the gentle splash of water as it lapped against the grassy shore.

"What do you think you'll do," Hermione asked hesitantly, "if you get the grades you want?"

It was strange she thought, awaiting his reply, that they hadn't had this discussion yet. On her part, she could admit she was apprehensive about how he might respond. This was an entirely new stage in their relationship: both dating publicly as well as beginning to navigate the future.

"I think I'd like to become a potioneer," Draco mused. "There are quite a few apprenticeships being advertised at the moment, but I'm not sure which to apply for."

"Why not?"

"Well," he paused, softly tracing the line of her jaw with his thumb, "I need to know what you're going to do."

Her heart fluttered. "Oh?"

"Mmm-hmm," he murmured. "So what is it, that you'd like to do?"

"Something within the Ministry, I think. Ultimately, I'd like to be promoting S.P.E.W. and other activism projects, but I know I need to work up to that. I suppose it's just deciding what the best route might be. I've been wondering about taking a position within the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures."

Draco nodded, this didn't come as a surprise. "And where would you live, do you think?"

From the rough tone of his voice, Hermione knew he was leading her somewhere, but she didn't want to presume anything in fear of being left disappointed. "Well, Harry did mention I could have my room at Grimmauld Place back, if I wanted it."

"And do you? Want it?"

"I – I guess I hadn't really thought about it," Hermione murmured, aware that this was an outright lie. She and Draco had shared a bed for the last year and the thought of living separately to him after graduation made her feel somewhat nauseous.

"Hermione Granger, not consider such an important aspect of post-Hogwarts life? I find that hard to believe."

"Well, what about you?" she asked, hoping the pink tinge across her cheekbones wasn't too noticeable.

He licked his lips nervously. "I want you, I want to live with you and – "

"Yes," Hermione interrupted before he had the chance to finish, her breath shifting the white-blonde hair layered across his forehead. "Yes, I want that too."

Draco's eyes lit up, light grey sparkling in the sunlight, and his face transformed into a full smile. It was the kind of smile he used to give freely up until sixth year but the more things had changed, the rarer they became.

Her heart clenched as she covered his face with tiny kisses, knowing that if she ever owned a Pensive, this would be one of the memories she treasured above all.

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